An overview of essential functions

State of knowledgeAugust 2024
RelevanceProCall 8 Enterprise

ProCall main window with your favorites

The estos ProCall main window gives you access to all the features that support you in your daily work.

At the top: the "My presence" area for your settings

Here you can manage the settings for your presence and communication:

ProCall Enterprise and Microsoft Teams

If ProCall integration with Microsoft Teams is set up, you can also use the icon for presence matching with Microsoft Teams in the My area and in the ProCall client, for example..

ProCall Enterprise and ProCall Meetings

If you have ProCall Meetings and ProCall Integration with ProCall Meetings set up, you can also see, for example, who is currently in a meeting.

Search for contacts and numbers

You can use the Search function to search all connected contact databases (e.g. from Microsoft Outlook or CRM system) for a number or a contact or search term

With an intelligent search entry (search parameters separated by commas) even more complex search queries are possible.


Set up your favorites, assign them to groups, and see their presence and availability:

  • By right-clicking on a contact, you can see detailed information about the contact and can immediately start or plan communication activities.
    The communication icons in Favorites show you which communication channel is currently available for this contact or whether call protection or call forwarding is configured, or an appointment is pending. 
  • By right-clicking on the group assignment you can change the view on Favorites, in order to sort or add contacts.


Follow up on unprocessed or planned actions

The button  provides you with even more options.

  • Start ProCall Monitor 
  • Start journal browser
  • Settings
    Here you can configure your client
  • Inbox
  • Help
  • Info about ProCall
    Version info, information about the detected installation environment, license notes and an expert view for detailed information about creating log files and setting the debug level for error analysis).
  • End ProCall

Overview over your contacts – ProCall monitor

Overview of your contacts, sort by groups, see presence and availability and start communication actions.

How do I start the ProCall Monitor?

From the ProCall main window via the button.

Actions in the ProCall Monitor

In Actions in the menu, you can

  • Create a new group
  • Contact search
  • Exit/Close ProCall Monitor

Customize view

In View in the header bar, you can set the width and arrangement for displaying the contacts and title bars and determine where on your screen the ProCall Monitor should be displayed. For a better overview, you can define here whether unregistered contacts should appear in the display (Hide contacts).  You can make the display of the contacts clearer by Assigning the contacts to groups, for example, the Marketing or Sales group. Groups also define the pre-selection of participants in a GroupChat.  

Further setting options for viewing the ProCall Monitor are available in the ProCall Client main window via the button under Settings: General – View. Here you can set, for example, how detailed the display should be for each contact or display contacts with a colored background.



Under License Information you will find a list of the used licenses of open-source software.

Phone with ProCall – your extension is always under your control

Define a default line and specify settings for phone calls 

If you are using multiple lines, you can click on a line/extension/dialing extension to set it as the default. Each telephony action performed in ProCall Enterprise (e.g. call contact) is used for dialing.

With a right-click on the line/extension it is possible to make further settings:

  • Name the line e.g. mobile
  • Configure and set/remove call forwarding
  • Set/remove call protection
  • Remote office on/off
  • Call number suppression on/off

Telephoning – starting a call

  • Search contact or enter the number directly in the search line
  • Double click on a contact
  • Context menu (right-click) on the contact in the favorites with the phone number selection

Accept incoming calls – the communication window

When an incoming call is received, the ProCall communication window opens. Here information about the caller is displayed before you answer the call.

You can answer an incoming call simply by mouse click or by a hotkey (predefined keys such as F8 to answer call and F9 to hang up).

Further possibilities

  • Reject/end call
  • Hold call
  • Initiate consultation and e.g. initiate a telephone conference with several participants
  • Forward call
    • in conversation
    • before taking over the call
  • Show keypad for DTMF input of post dialing functions

  • Start call recording
  • Mute microphone
  • My audio/video devices: Switch multimedia devices for voice input (microphone) and output (loudspeaker) during ongoing calls via softphone

What information about the caller is displayed in the communication window depends on the configuration of the available data sources.
The display and available actions can be extended within CEBP (Communication Enabled Business Processes). 

Plan or prepare a call

With ProCall Enterprise you can schedule a call and track its status. Notes can be saved for each scheduled call and a reminder can be set up if desired. You can schedule a call by right-clicking on a contact in ProCall Enterprise and selecting "Schedule call".

Store call notes

Notes can be entered during and after a call. The data entered is automatically stored in the ProCall Enterprise journal folder and is therefore available for review at any time. Of course, this also applies to the users of the group journal and their notes entered.

Further information

Configure and customize call window

ProCall Client für Microsoft Windows

Start TextChat or VideoChat or share your screen 

Update statusMarch 2024
Product relevance

estos ProCall 8 Enterprise

In a chat you can use the following communication options

  • TextChat
  • AudioChat
  • VideoChat
  • GroupChat
  • Give or request screen sharing

Which communication actions are available to you depends, among other things, on the ProCall version, technical equipment and permissions granted.

You can start a chat either via the context menu or the quick launch bar.

During the chat you can:

  • Share your screen (desktop sharing) and additionally allow control
    If you use multiple screens, you can define here which screen you want to share. 
  • Request view and control for your conversation partner's screen.
  • Share content (send files)
  • Use Emojis 
    Chat in ProCall - image shows a selection of emoijis
  • Show Reactions
    From ProCall 8.4 Reactions - Express emotions with emojis like Applause, Thanks, Thumbs up


You can easily write messages to contacts in real-time and also use emojis/smileys and send files.

Example of a TextChat and content sharing in ProCall

Checkmarks behind your messages show the delivery status of your messages with time.

Audio/Video communication

After you have configured your devices for audio/video communication in ProCall, you can immediately establish an audio/video chat with another contact.

During the conversation, you can deactivate the A/V devices or end the call. You can see the duration of the connection  and the connection quality. 

Example of a VideoChat with TextChat and the possibility of screen sharing in ProCall

Screen sharing

You can share your own screen with the person you are talking to or request a screen share from them. 

In screen sharing, you can also "Allow control", so that your call partner can take control of your screen contents. 

If you use multiple screens, you can select which screen you want to share.


Not all presence information and communication actions are available for contacts who are connected to your company via federation, for example. 

More Information

Chat in ProCall 8 Enterprise

State of knowledge

June 2023
Version info: ProCall 8 Enterprise

To start a chat with multiple contacts, ProCall 8 Enterprise offers you several possibilities with the GroupChat:

ProCall Hauptfenster

Just go to the ProCall main window and click on the GroupChat icon in the "Chat" tab:

Example screenshot: ProCall Main Window – Chat – New GroupChat

Now you can assign a name for the group chat and select the desired contacts via "Add participants".

ProCall monitor and ProCall favorites

To start a group chat you can either select a single contact and then expand to group chat or select a group and then add/remove participants.

Call chat to individual contact

Start a chat to a single contact. The chat interface will open and you can start the GroupChat by clicking the  icon.

Create or select group

Select a group or create a new group to which you add all the contacts you want to chat with.

Right click on the group name and you will get the selection via the icon: Start chat with "Group xyz".

Example screenshot: ProCall Monitor – Right mouse click on group name – Start chat with group "Sales"


Example screenshot: ProCall Favorites – Right mouse click on group name – Start chat with group "Sales

Example screenshot: Group – New chat room – Assign name Add/remove participants

The chat room is created automatically, all contacts of the selected group are in the chat room. You can assign a name for the group chat by overriding "New chat room". 

You can add more contacts via the icon or remove a contact from the chat room via  right-clicking on a contact with before you start communicating.


The availability of the function depends on system environment, configuration, ProCall version and granted permissions.

Further information

Chat in ProCall 8 Enterprise

ChatGPT Integration in ProCall

Delivery status with ProCall in chat

ProCall shows you the delivery status in the chat window for messages you have sent, next to the time/date.

This is what the symbols mean

simple grey hookMessage was sent

two grey hooksMessage was delivered

double green hookMessage was read/opened.
Example screenshot: Chat message was read


The availability of the function depends on system environment, configuration, ProCall version and granted permissions.

Update statusMarch 2024
Product relevance

estos ProCall 8 Enterprise

Release from ProCall 8 Enterprise version 8.1

A new chat user interface has been developed for ProCall 8 Enterprise. This is based on new web technologies and has as a prerequisite an installed WebView2 on the ProCall Client for Windows.

With ProCall 8.0.x the new chat was delivered for the first time as a preview and could be activated in advance for interested users via profile settings with CustomTab.

Version info: from ProCall 8 Enterprise 8.1 (SR1)

As of ProCall 8 Enterprise SR1 version 8.1 (ProCall 8 Enterprise Service Release 1), the new Chat is available to all users with ProCall client for Windows by default.

ProCall 8 Enterprise SR1 Release Notes

What does the chat look like in ProCall 8 Enterprise?

Example screenshot: ProCall client for Windows – new chat view – better overview and navigation


As of ProCall 8 Enterprise server and client version 8.1, the chat with new design no longer needs to be configured separately, but is immediately available to users in the ProCall client for Windows.

If you have already used the preview of the  ChatApp from version 8.0.x and there is still a configuration for the CustomTab of the chat preview, please deactivate it.


  • New ChatApp is active by default in ProCall client for Windows.
  • No more CustomTab is needed to include the ChatApp in the ProCall client for Windows.
  • You can revert to the old chat via the UCServer administration.

Upcoming features or features that have been implemented since Release 8.0

More and more features will be added over the coming months. Please pay special attention to the Release notes for maintenance or service releases.

The following are planned:

  • Notifications (from version 8.0.1)
  • Improved integration with ProCall client for Windows (from 8.0.3)
  • Text message export (from version 8.0.1)
  • Forward messages to multiple users (from version 8.0.1)
  • Tag users in chat rooms (from version 8.0.1)
  • Favorites or pinning feature (from version 8.0)
  • Users can be highlighted and marked in group chats by entering the @ sign
  • Context menu (from version 8.1)
  • Improved search for chats, contacts, groups and messages (from version 8.1.0)
  • Mute group or individual chats/disable notifications for new chats (ProCall client for Windows, version 8.2 and higher)
  • Configure Windows notifications for incoming chat messages in ProCall client for Windows (ProCall client for Windows, version 8.2 and higher)
    In Settings -> General there is another menu item "Notifications": there you can configure whether a notification is displayed and whether the notification shows a preview.
  • Add group chat avatars via chat room group info (ProCall client for Windows, version 8.2 and higher)
  • Share content: For shared video files, you can now use a play button to start the video.
  • Create appointment with a user or a group of users (from version 8.2)
  • Buttons in the action bar are now based on the currently available capabilities of the other user (e.g. video chat is not offered if the other user is currently unable to video chat).
  • There were several improvements and bug fixes to the presence tooltip.
  • Copy single messages to the clipboard (from version 8.2)
  • ChatGPT Integration in ProCall Chat (from version 8.3)
  • Reactions: Respond to chat messages with emojis (from version 8.4)

Continue to use old variant

If the previous chat variant is to continue to be used, this can be activated administratively for the users in the UCServer administration via profiles.
More information: Set/restore/deactivate chat variant

Error analysis – debug logs

If unexpected display problems or incorrect displays occur in the chat app, proceed as follows:

  • Check the display after restarting the ProCall Enterprise client.
  • In case the restart does not solve the problem, back up the %localappdata%\estos\procall 8\EBWebView directory after ProCall Enterprise Client has been terminated.
    To do this, cut out the EBWebView folder, place it temporarily elsewhere and restart the ProCall Enterprise client.
  • If the problem is still not solved, please check the current version of the ProCall Enterprise client and update the ProCall Enterprise system to the latest version.
  • If the display problem persists, consider the instructions in the following tip:

Since the chat app in the ProCall client main window is based on web technologies, not all operations are logged in ProCall client debug logs (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\estos\ProCall 8\logs). For certain observations, such as "There is no connection to the server...", outputs from the web development tools (DevTools) integrated in the browser used are therefore also necessary, which must also be made available for an error analysis:
Chat app in ProCall client main window: Troubleshooting

Further information

How do I start a group chat with ProCall? PCE8

Notifications – set notifications

ChatGPT integration in ProCall

How to insert a line break/paragraph in a chat message

Chat app in ProCall client main window: Troubleshooting

Set/restore/deactivate chat variant

Is there a possibility to disable the TextChat function for users?

Chat is not available in ProCall Client

State of knowledge

January 2024
ProCall 8 Enterprise from 8.3.0

Further development and improvements from version 8.3.4

estos supports the interface/API to third-party providers for ChatGPT (currently OpenAI and Microsoft with Azure OpenAI Service) as of ProCall 8 Enterprise V. 8.3 .

The use of ChatGPT and direct access to AI (Artificial Intelligence) is subject to legal requirements and the terms of use/usage policies of the third-party providers, especially when it comes to accessing and using their API.

By supporting the API, estos cannot guarantee the topicality, completeness and correctness of all information regarding the current legal status or the offer of third-party providers, such as terms of use/functional scope/hosting models/pricing information.

We provide the following information with our current state of knowledge as an aid – without claim to topicality, completeness and correctness.


Integration of AI into a chat system

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT into familiar chat systems offers businesses a wealth of opportunities: Chatbots are able to provide constant and expeditious responses to queries and handle a variety of tasks, from simple information requests and translations to complex support requests. Through bidirectional communication, output results in dialog can be substantiated through renewed requests and, for example, changed in language style or adapted to an expert level.

Central set up available for users

By having the setup happen centrally on the chat application server, users are provided with a seamless and smooth process as they do not have to worry about technical aspects such as setup, cost or API keys. This allows companies to provide this service to their users without any additional effort or technical knowledge.

In addition, the centralized server setup enables efficient cost management. Companies can monitor and control budgeting and costs for the use of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT integration with ProCall chat

From ProCall Enterprise 8.3.0, ProCall supports the integration of ChatGPT via the interface of the providers OpenAI and Microsoft with Azure OpenAI Service. For the central setup on the UCServer, the so-called API key is required, for which an account must be set up with the AI platforms (third-party providers). The terms and conditions of the third-party provider apply to the account.

The chatbot itself can thus be activated via the interface as a separate ProCall user, so that other (appropriately authorized) ProCall users in the company can "chat" ChatGPT directly from the ProCall interface in the chat and in the group chat with their requests and make their requests.

Preview: DALL-E for image generation

Images can be created from text descriptions via DALL-E from OpenAI.

For release 8.3.0 of ProCall Enterprise we have already included a preview of the DALL-E integration for use.

Please note that this is still a preview feature and has not yet been fully released.


Third-party AI platforms for ChatGPT

OpenAI and Microsoft Azure OpenAI/Cognitive Service are different AI platforms with different models for hosting, pricing and privacy policies, for example.


OpenAI has its main server locations in the USA.
OpenAI works on data protection and plans to open more data centers in other countries.

Microsoft Azure OpenAI

Azure OpenAI/Cognitive Service has global data centers.
Azure OpenAI Service offers data hosting in different regions and has strict data protection policies with compliance certifications such as the GDPR.

Setting up the interface via API key

Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service

Since Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service is still in preview, we cannot provide guidance on how to access Azure OpenAI
Please refer to the documentation provided by Microsoft:

You can find an overview of the available models here:


The steps to create an OpenAI API key (ChatGPT) may vary as they depend on the timing and policies of the platform. 
If necessary, refer to the OpenAI documentation or the OpenAI help section for more detailed steps.

In general, however, you can complete the following steps:

  1. First, visit the OpenAI website.
  2. Log in or create a new account if necessary.
  3. After logging in/creating your account, navigate to your dashboard.
  4. In your dashboard, you should see the "API Keys" section.
  5. Click on "Create new API Key" or similar (naming may vary).
  6. You will probably be asked to confirm the creation or enter additional information.
  7. After confirmation, your new API key should be generated and displayed on the screen.

Remember to keep your API key safe and do not share it with others as it might allow access to your data.

The cost of using the OpenAI API may vary depending on the amount of tokens used and other criteria.
Here is a general guide to understanding the pricing model:

  1. Visit the OpenAI website.
  2. Click on "Prices" or similar in the menu bar. Note that the exact naming may differ.
  3. Here you can see the different pricing models. With OpenAI there is a separate price for research and production access.
  4. The price is usually charged per token. Both the input and output tokens you use in your requests count towards the total cost of your API usage.
  5. Also note that the waiting time for token generation is also charged.

Please note that prices and pricing structure may vary. It is always recommended to check the OpenAI pricing information page for the latest information.

In addition, we recommend reading the OpenAI documentation, which contains detailed information about token pricing and calculation.
It is important to understand all the terms and details carefully before using the service.

If you have questions about your specific situation, you can also contact OpenAI Support.


Log in chatbot as user to UCServer

For the integration, it is mandatory to have a user available in the UCServer user management that stands for the chatbot. The ChatGPT integration will log in to the UCServer as a client with the login data of this user and can then be chatted with by the authorized ProCall users.

In case of user management via Active Directory (AD), a service user should be created whose password does not change.

Assign a suitable display name for the user so that he can be easily found by the other ProCall users. You can also assign a suitable contact picture.

Activate authorization for ProCall users

Please note that the interface in the UCServer administration for ChatGPT integration will be revised in later versions.

Start the UCServer administration and activate the user
In the service permissions, make sure that the user has the right to start chats.
Also, make sure that you have not globally disabled chat in the basic services of the UCServer either.

Enter access data and API key

Now go to the "ChatGPT integration" item in the tree structure of the UCServer administration on the left.

Enter the access data under user name and password and the issued API key.

For Azure OpenAI Integration, enter the URL of the API endpoint here:
This has been created in the Azure Portal in the "Azure OpenAI" area and has this form, for example: https://[NAME_DER_RESSOURCE]

At Deployment/Model, enter the model to be used at OpenAI, which has been unlocked for your API key.
The exact designations can be found in the documentation, e.g.:

  • gpt-3.5-turbo
  • gpt-3.5-turbo-16k
  • GPT-4

In the case of Azure OpenAI Service, specify the deployment name:
This is the name created in Azure OpenAI Studio, e.g. "chatgpt4test".

Assign keywords as tags for the chatbot

Under Keywords you can assign keywords for tagging the chatbot in group chats. (More about this in the "Aus Sicht des Benutzers").
For example, assign a keyword, such as the bot's display name. 

If you want to assign multiple keywords, you can specify them separated by semicolons.

(Preview) Assign keywords for DALL-E

If you have also activated DALL-E for generating images for the connected API from OpenAI or Azure, you can define keywords here via which the integration is activated.
This keyword must be made at the beginning of the call by the user to the chatbot.

If you want to assign multiple keywords, you can specify them separated by semicolons. such as: "paint;draw".

Activate integration

Now activate the integration and apply the settings.

Example configuration of an Azure OpenAI integration

ServerlocalhostThe UCServer client connection is itself accessible on the UCServer under "localhost". This only needs to be changed if a different network interface setting is used for "UC clients"
Port7222The "UC-Client" standard port in the network interfaces of the UCServer
UsernamevariableThe user name of the user who represents the bot. This must be congruent with the user name in the UCServer user administration
PasswordvariableThe password of this user
Resource-URIEmpty or variableEmpty for OpenAI,
for Azure OpenAI Service the endpoint of the API
Deployment ModelvariableFixed for OpenAI,
in Azure it corresponds to the "deployment name" in Azure OpenAI Studio
KeywordsvariableTo tag the bot in a chat room
DALLE-KeywordsvariableTo create a prompt for Dall-E, the prompt must begin with this keyword.

From the user's perspective

1:1 Chats

The user can search for this user (ChatGPT) configured for integration in any ProCall client where he can chat and chat him. It is also recommended, for example, administrative configurations of the favorite or monitor content, so that it can be accessed more quickly.

Also, the user can "pin" this chat.

To communicate with it, you can simply write "Hi" or "Hello", to which it will respond. With an existing presence, you can also see if the chatbot is really activated and running.

Example screenshot: ChatGPT in ProCall chat

Chat rooms/Group chat

Chat rooms are a special feature: You can also add the chatbot to chat rooms.

So that he does not respond to every message there, you have to tag/mention him there so that he responds. For this reason, "keywords" were configured so that he explicitly responds only to these.

Example screenshot: ChatGPT in a ProCall chatroom of the Sales group department – Chatbot is addressable in the group chat via the tag @ChatGPT

Create images

To be able to generate images, a keyword must be written in the chat that corresponds to the one in the configuration for DALL-E in the UCServer administration. If, for example, the keywords "paint;draw" were stored there, then the user activates the bot via "paint" or "draw".

For example: "Draw me a picture of a dog" or "Draw me a house with 2 floors and 2 windows each".


Each user interacting with the chatbot creates its own context for itself. In chat rooms, the context is this chat room and not the participating user.

Example: User1 writes with the chatbot for the first time and notices that the chatbot answers in English. The user asks the chatbot to reply in German from now on. The chatbot does so.

This " changing the language" has no influence on user2, because the chatbot does not know the context and creates its own context with user2.

Context for the generation of images

If images are generated via DALL-E (Preview) in the chat, there is no context. This is currently not possible with the API.

This means that you cannot write, for example:

  1. Paint me a picture of a dog
  2. Change the background to blue

Here you would have to make a call directly:

  • Paint me a picture of a dog, background color blue


For image generation, just let the chatbot create the prompt for DALL-E.

  1. Set ChatGPT the task to create a prompt for an AI like DALL-E
  2. Then use the answer as a prompt for DALL-E

Delete context

Available from ProCall Enterprise version 8.3.4.

The user can also delete the context themselves by sending "/clear" as text to the chatbot.

This can be useful if the dialog has reached a point where the context has become irrelevant or confusing, or if a completely new topic of conversation is to be introduced. Deleting the context can then help to create a clear and unbiased communication platform.

Technical details and notes

ProCall Enterprise only connects between the API of the AI provider.

This means that models – chatgpt3-5, chatgpt4 or similar only with OpenAI Integration, not with Azure OpenAI Service – are affected on the ProCall side. This includes response times or restrictions, such as token limits per day or NSFW filters, etc. These are – if possible – to be configured via the account and are within the scope of the offer by the third-party provider.

Also, the control of the costs to be incurred in the case of chargeable pricing must be observed via the provider and not via ProCall Enterprise.

Chat with chatbot – completion API

Create images by prompt – generate-API

For generating images the so called generate-API is used, so only creating images by text prompts (TextToImage) is supported and not editing or extending:


Are the ChatGPT models trained with the data I send?

The statement reflects our current state of knowledge from research into the third-party providers mentioned. (October 2023)
Without claim to completeness and correctness.

No, the data you enter will not be used for training, according to the third-party providers' own statements.
The data usage guidelines of the OpenAI API and Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service are authoritative..

For more information, please see the relevant Data Use Policy. You can find them here:

Information/Data Usage Policy of OpenAI API

Data, privacy, and security for Azure OpenAI Service

Will the data I send be saved?

The statement reflects our current knowledge from research on the third-party suppliers mentioned. (October 2023). Without any claim to completeness and correctness.

The first question was about using the data to train the ChatGPT model. This question looks at whether the sent data is stored in the meantime and whether someone has access to it.

According to OpenAI and Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, the answer is YES.

Since both companies perform so-called "Abuse monitoring" to detect cases of abuse, the questions entered are stored for 30 days. Should the procedure (Abuse monitoring) be triggered, selected employees of OpenAI or Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service can view this information. OpenAI uses both internal company employees and external companies for this purpose, whereas Microsoft uses only Microsoft employees from the same region.

"Abuse monitoring" is a monitoring strategy used to identify and detect instances of abuse in a system or platform. Organizations use this method to detect potentially abusive or inappropriate activity on their platforms. In the context of OpenAI and Microsoft text models, data submitted by users is monitored to detect and prevent inappropriate use. Obvious violations are recorded and stored for a period of time so that selected employees can access them as needed.

Further information can be found in the respective privacy policies:

Information/Data Usage Policy of OpenAI API

Data, privacy, and security for Azure OpenAI Service

Is it possible to disable data storage of particularly sensitive data by third parties?

OpenAI does not allow disabling data storage, while Microsoft offers the option to disable it under certain conditions. However, a separate request must be made to Microsoft for this and it must be approved.

Is data stored in the ProCall Enterprise installation?

As the communication with the ChatGPT integration is conducted via the internal chat of the UCServer, the messages and images are stored in the server database of the UCServer according to the rules defined there.

You can also find information about this here:

UCServer Logs

The specific logs for ChatGPT integration on the server do not normally store chat message content. However, an exception would be if, for example, the API reports an error message with the content of the chat message back to the UCServer. Then this message from the API would be visible in the logs.

Application areas and examples

You can find more information on the estos website at

Further information

Chat in ProCall 8 Enterprise

How do I start a group chat with ProCall? PCE8

estos ProCall Enterprise server log files

State of knowledge

August 2024
ProCall 8 Enterprise

To better structure text in ProCall Chat, you can insert a paragraph or line break before sending the chat message.

Key combination for inserting a paragraph/line break in a ProCall chat message


If you only press the ENTER key, the message will be sent.

Overview of your communication actions – journal and journal-browser


Your personal journal

Conversations are archived in a personal journal. For a better overview of all communication actions, various filters are available, which allow you to clearly arrange the displayed entries. For example, you can also store the notes that you have entered for a conversation.

You can define a time period for the entries displayed in the journal (for example, today, this week, this month) and group them by days or by contacts and rearrange or hide the available fields like date or type with a right mouse click.

Grouped by days

For example, the type field uses icons to show you whether you can communicate with your conversation partner by phone , AudioChat , VideoChat , TextChat or with screen sharing .
The arrows next to it   show the direction of the call. An exclamation mark is displayed if the connection could not be established.

Grouped by contacts

For a contact or group chat, the available photo is displayed. If no photo is available, the initials of a single contact are displayed. Unknown contacts or group chats for which no information is available can be recognized by a dummy picture, a group chat by the  symbol. 

You can identify the presence and availability of a contact by the color and orientation of the contact's border, for example, red and orientation to the upper left for Not available

For each contact you can see which communication actions  you have had, the duration or type in brackets: (5 min), (Missed call) (the contents of the chat message e.g. "Hello, Nadine, thanks for the info").

Update display

With the F5 key or by right-clicking on a date you can update the display

Group journal

Teams can be administratively represented by so-called groups and permission to view the group journal can be assigned. All authorized users of a group have access to the journal entries of the members of a group and can, for example, view colleagues' notes and therefore optimally prepare for a meeting. 

Journal of other contacts/favorites

If you have the appropriate permission, you can also view the journal of other contacts. The contact details of a favorite allow you to view their personal journal and thus their communication actions.

Where can I find the Journal?

In the ProCall main window in the Journal tab

Journal browser

An additional possibility to keep an overview of your communication actions and to apply further filter options can be found in the Journal Browser. Here you can use even more detailed options to view, print, or export the individual communication actions, contacts, incoming and outgoing communication actions. 

Where can I find the Journal browser?
  • In ProCall Monitor under Tools
  • In the ProCall main window under 

Presence management with ProCall

State of knowledge

September 2024
Version info: ProCall 8 Enterprise
ProCall Client für Windows 

In the ProCall main window at the top of the My presence area, you can manage your presence information.


Video on presence management with ProCall Enterprise

Presence management – show and see if someone is available/accessible

The presence status can be set manually or is created according to defined rules and based on services, e.g. calendar entries, telephony service. The presence status is automatically determined from this. 

You can create so-called presence profiles for the display of the presence.

Set absence note

With the absence note, you can provide authorized users with detailed information about your presence status


  • Private appointment probably until 10.30 am
  • Sales meeting 
  • Afk: Away from keyboard

The basis for your presence display is always – depending on the system environment, authorizations and administrative configuration – e.g. entries in your calendar, current communication actions, presences you have activated, "do not disturb" settings. 


The setting options for displaying presence may be predefined or restricted by administration and cannot be changed by individual users. 

Further information

Available presences in ProCall

Do not miss anything - notifications

PopUp notifications  

  • New chats (TextChat, Audio/Video chats)
  • Missed chats (TextChat, Audio/Video chats)
  • Missed calls
  • Notification requests
  • Unread e-mails 
  • Planned calls

The speech bubble and the call window are available for notifications.

You can enable/disable what kind of communication actions you receive notifications for in the ProCall main window via 

  • To do this, in  Settings go to General – Behavior and select the Show bubble for.... options.
  • In Settings under Telephony – Call window you can set settings for calls.

    The setting options for notifications may be limited administratively and cannot be changed by you.

Missed calls or chats can also be found in the journal, allowing you to follow them up.

Also interesting

How can ProCall inform me when one of my contacts is available again? Availability of colleagues

Notifications – set notifications

State of knowledge

September 2024 
Version info: ProCall 8 Enterprise
ProCall Client für Windows 

If you want to receive a short notification for one of your contacts as soon as their presence changes or an incoming call is received, you can use the Inform about status change option in ProCall Monitor and Main Window.

Notification about change of presence or incoming calls to my contacts

For example, if one of your contacts is in an appointment or out of the office and you want to contact them as soon as they are available again, you don't have to keep an eye on the presence status all the time.

ProCall can show you with a short notice when the presence status of a contact changes, for example from Absent/Busy/Inactive to Present.

This indication can also be given if there is an incoming call to this contact and you have the permission to pick up calls.

Example screenshot: Contact is available again

Screenshot - Kontakt ist wieder verfügbar

Example screenshot: Pick up incoming call


Simply move the mouse cursor over the contact for which you want to activate the function, expand the menu with the right mouse button and select the menu item Inform about status change.

Example screenshot: Inform about status change

Screenshot - Über Statusänderung informieren


If you want to turn off this notification, simply right-click on the corresponding contact in the menu and deactivate the menu item Notify about status change.

How can I see if the Inform about status change function is enabled for a contact?

In ProCall monitor, a small icon by the contact indicates if this function is enabled for this contact.  

How can I set which status changes I will be informed about?

You can set in the ProCall client main window under Settings – Collaboration – Notification window whether you receive a message about status change in case of

  • Contact is available/reachable again
    • The notification window is displayed when a selected contact logs in, changes from the "Inactive" to "Present" state or switches from "Absent" to "Present".
  • Contact has call to pick up
    • The notification window is displayed when a call rings at a marked contact, but the contact is not "Present" and a pickup from the contact is allowed.
  • Contact logs off
    • The notification window indicates when a selected contact logs off.


The availability of the function depends on system environment, configuration, ProCall version and granted permissions.

How to configure and test audio devices and video devices 

Update statusJune 2023
Product relevance

ProCall 8 Enterprise

Audio/Video wizard in ProCall

ProCall provides you with an audio/video wizard for selecting or testing suitable devices for audio/video communication and softphone. The wizard shows you the available devices. You can configure or test devices such as the headset, microphone or camera for playing and recording.

How to start the wizard?

You can find the Audio/Video wizard in the ProCall main window. Right-clicking on the Video symbol  or on the three dots top right  shows the menu item Start Audio/Video Wizard

Sample screenshot: Start the wizard in the ProCall main window

To the extent that estos ProCall is also available as an icon in the notification area, the Audio/Video wizard can also be started via the context menu for this icon.

Example screenshot: Launch wizard from Microsoft Windows notification area

Audio device selection

Sample screenshot: Select your audio devices for audio/video chat and softphone

Select the audio devices you want to use or test for ProCall for the microphone and playback for AudioChat/VideoChat or softphone.

The Microphone selection field offers you the microphones available on the computer system. The Playback selection field offers you the selection for the desired audio output device. Another audio output device available on the system can be selected for the output of the ringing tone.

Audio settings

Configuration options for the audio settings for the selected audio device are available in the estos ProCall Enterprise client WebRTC stack:

  • Echo Cancellation (EC),
  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC),
  • Noise Suppression, Noise Cancellation (NS),
  • Call control (covered in separate following section).

A detailed explanation of this can be found in the estos ProCall 8 Enterprise client product documentation or directly in the online help, which can be called up context-sensitively via the F1 key:

In the case of poor audio communication, such as unsuitable volume, echo or reverb effects, or noise, the most optimal setting must be determined by varying the parameterizations. Since many headset manufacturers provide their own integrated audio enhancements, activating the WebRTC-integrated enhancement measures can lead to negative interference here.

However, in case of audio problems in connection with the sensitivity of the headset microphone, the call volume, the noise or echo suppression, it is also useful to install the respective software packages of the headset manufacturers in order to bring about an optimization of the audio quality with the setting options provided via them:

  • Jabra: Jabra Direct
  • Plantronics/Poly: Plantronics Hub
  • Sennheiser/EPOS: EPOS Connect
  • Yealink: Yealink USB Connect

The software packages of the manufacturers can also provide functions to update the firmware in case of problems, which is generally recommended by estos.

If the audio quality is insufficient, please also consider the settings in the Microsoft Windows sound control panel (mmsys.cpl). In particular, the level setting for the microphone used should be checked here and the audio behavior tested with lower or higher level values:

In case of unexpectedly poor sound of the outgoing speech during softphone call or audio chat, it is generally recommended to perform a cross-check with another headset.
It can also be useful to test with a simple headset without extensive intelligence of its own.

Call control

If the selected device offers call control via keys (e.g. call acceptance, mute, etc.), the otherwise gray option "Activate call control via device" is offered. This allows, for example, incoming audio/video chats to be answered and hung up again by pressing the corresponding key directly on the headset. Depending on the terminal manufacturer, this HID (Human Interface Device) functionality or feature is also referred to as EHS/Electronic Hook Switch/electronic call acceptance.

For more information, see the context-sensitive help of the Audio/Video wizard (accessible via the Help button or the F1 key) and ProCall Enterprise online Help.

For some headset manufacturers, the installation of a separate SDK may be required. If, as shown in the following example, the availability of the Plantronics Hub interface cannot be identified by the estos ProCall Enterprise client, this call control option via headset will not be available and a message Please install Plantronics Hub first will appear:

Example screenshot: ProCall audio/video wizard – activate call control – install SDK if necessary

Operation in Terminal Services environments

If estos ProCall Enterprise client is run in a terminal server session or a virtualized desktop, HID functions are generally not available. Since ProCall Enterprise client and headset are running or connected on different hosts, communication via SDK between these components is not possible. The option Activate call control via the device is therefore always grayed out and deactivated in Terminal Server mode.

Due to the lack of HID pairing, even a headset base station will not be able to play a ringtone on an incoming call to the softphone.

Video device selection

Sample screenshot: Select video device/camera

Select the video device and camera to use in ProCall for VideoChat


The availability of the function depends on system environment, configuration, ProCall version and granted permissions.

Further technical information (administration and configuration)

Location of audio/video devices selected in the wizard

Softphone message "Devices deactivated" and audio/video wizard is grayed out or not available

Checking the recording/playback of audio devices

ProCall Client für Microsoft Windows

ProCall Client für Microsoft Windows

Kaspersky blocks camera and microphone for ProCall Enterprise

Things to know about headset support in Citrix environments

Setup: Enable audio/video communication with Remote Desktop Services (RDS)

Headset Jabra Engage: Speech too quiet – improve audio quality

Connect Jabra Evolve 65 headset correctly via Jabra Link 370

How can I manually install the Yealink SDK?

ProCall Enterprise: Supported third-party products

Use ProCall on the move – the ProCall mobile app

When you are not at your office workstation, you can use many of ProCall's functions on the move. With the ProCall mobile app for Android and iOS.  
Here is an overview of what the ProCall mobile app offers

ProCall integration with other applications

ProCall Enterprise and ProCall Meetings – for online meetings and video conferences

ProCall Meetings integration in ProCall client for Windows

ProCall Enterprise and Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams integration in ProCall Enterprise: How can I use it?

Further information

New Chat since ProCall 8

ChatGPT in ProCall since ProCall 8

Chatbot as a ProCall user: Integration of ChatGPT via the interface of the providers OpenAI and Microsoft with Azure OpenAI Service

Remote Desktop Modus for ProCall since ProCall 8

Take remote control of audio devices via RDP, e.g. in terminal server environments 

ProCall App für Web (Preview)

Use ProCall directly in your browser  

The availability of the functions depends, among other things, on the ProCall version, system environment and the permissions granted. Certain settings may be administratively predefined and cannot be changed by you.