Video tutorial/webinar recording

State of knowledge

May 2024
ProCall 8 Enterprise from 8.4

concerning ProCall Clients for Windows

Remote access and control via RDP

The "Remote Desktop Mode" can be activated for ProCall with softphone, e.g. in a terminal server environment.
Allows you for ProCall clients for Windows and connected audio devices/headsets to control/being controlled via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

This allows you to use the executing ProCall client to take remote control of the ProCall client installed locally at the workstation and a headset/audio device connected there.

Activate Remote Desktop Mode on the ProCall client

Activate/deactivate the Remote Desktop Mode in the ProCall client settings under General – Advanced. As a user, you can specify here whether your ProCall client should execute or allow remote control

You have to configure both the clients - the controlling and the controlled one.
It is not sufficient to make the settings on one side only.

Settings in the remote session / terminal server session

  • for the client without audio devices or the looped-through remote audio devices in the Terminal Services session → Execute remote control

Local setting - for the client with audio devices

  • for the client with audio devices on the local workstation computer: → Allow remote control
Example screenshot: ProCall client for Windows – Settings – General – Advanced – Remote Desktop Mode

Optional: Deactivate the display of call windows on the local client

If you only work with ProCall Enterprise in the remote session, you may want to avoid opening call windows both in the remote session and on the local computer.

Disable the two options on the local client under Customize call window .

  • Display automatically for incoming calls
  • Display automatically for outgoing calls
Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - Settings - Telephony - Call window - Customize conversation window

Controlling the remote desktop options via Windows Registry

Changes in the registration database require special expertise and access rights.

Execute remote control


Allow remote control


Default mode


Customize conversation window


"ConversationWindowShowOnCall"=dword:00000000 (kein Gesprächsfenster anzeigen)

"ConversationWindowShowOnCall"=dword:00000001 (Bei ankommenden Anrufen automatisch anzeigen)

"ConversationWindowShowOnCall"=dword:00000002 (Bei abgehenden Anrufen automatisch anzeigen)

"ConversationWindowShowOnCall"=dword:00000003 (Bei ankommenden und abgehenden Anrufen automatisch anzeigen)

What functions are available?

In Remote Desktop Mode the Softphone supported telephony functions and AudioChat can be used to their full extent .


  • If a Terminal Services session with ProCall Enterprise Client operating in it is only disconnected and not logged out, a connection between ProCall Enterprise Client and server remains active in the background. An administrative call forwarding with the client logged off is then not executed on the server side.
  • estos ProCall Mobile Apps and the ProCall App for Web 2024.05.27 do not support the remote client operating mode.
  • Terminal Services environments in which no client operating system supported by estos ProCall Enterprise is operated on the local workstation computer are not suitable for this technology. Terminal Services infrastructures with thin clients and operating systems e.g. based on Linux, Windows CE, Windows Embedded do not benefit from Remote Desktop Mode.
  • Screensharing and VideoChat are only supported on the remote-controlled estos ProCall Enterprise Client.
    • The screen sharing can only be started or accepted via the local ProCall Enterprise Client ..
    • VideoCalls are only possible on the local ProCall client .
  • As long as the controlling ProCall client (operating mode "Execute remote control") is active, video chats are accepted both locally and in the remote session as AudioChat.



The local ProCall client can also be connected "VPN-less" in remote desktop mode.

Connect ProCall for Windows easily via UCConnect ("VPN-less")


Analyses of faults in connection with the remote desktop mode require the provision of the ProCall Enterprise log files (on Log Level Debug)

  • of both clients and
  • of the server
  • the description of your observation as well as as exact a time as possible for the log files.

Further information