State of knowledge

September 2024
Version info: ProCall 8 Enterprise
ProCall client for Windows

To start a chat with multiple contacts, ProCall 8 Enterprise offers you several possibilities with the GroupChat:

ProCall main window

Just go to the ProCall main window and click on the GroupChat icon in the "Chat" tab:

Example screenshot: ProCall Main Window – Chat – New GroupChat

Now you can assign a name for the group chat and select the desired contacts via "Add participants".

ProCall monitor and ProCall favorites

To start a group chat you can either select a single contact and then expand to group chat or select a group and then add/remove participants.

Call chat to individual contact

Start a chat to a single contact. The chat interface will open and you can start the GroupChat by clicking the  icon.

Create or select group

Select a group or create a new group to which you add all the contacts you want to chat with.

Right click on the group name and you will get the selection via the icon: Start chat with "Group xyz".

Example screenshot: ProCall Monitor – Right mouse click on group name – Start chat with group "Sales"


Example screenshot: ProCall Favorites – Right mouse click on group name – Start chat with group "Sales

Example screenshot: Group – New chat room – Assign name – Add/remove participants

The chat room is created automatically, all contacts of the selected group are in the chat room. You can assign a name for the group chat by overriding "New chat room". 

You can add more contacts via the icon or remove a contact from the chat room via  right-clicking on a contact with before you start communicating.


The availability of the function depends on system environment, configuration, ProCall version and granted permissions.

Further information

Chat in ProCall 8 Enterprise

ChatGPT integration in ProCall