Release date


TypeMaintenance Release
Security advice


ProCall Enterprise 7.6.3 was released on  as a maintenance release.

You don't have the latest version of ProCall Enterprise yet?

Download Windows components →

Apple App Store →

Google Play Store →

When performing the update, please follow the instructions for the update within a product version. 

ProCall Enterprise (Core)


  • The client for Windows now reacts in a more tolerant way to prematurely aborted or interrupted file transfers from chat.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a problem with the MS-SQL database connection when uninstalling UCServer, which caused the UCServer service to crash.

ProCall mobile apps


General information about End-of-Life (EOL)

Known problems and limitations

ProCall 7 Enterprise known problems and limitations   

Further information

Supported third-party products →

System requirements →

ProCall Enterprise product page →