Release date


TypeMaintenance Release
Security advice


ProCall Enterprise 7.7.1 was released on  as a maintenance release.

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When performing the update, please follow the instructions for the update within a product version. 

ProCall Enterprise (Core)


Bug fixes
  • Fixed several client and server crashes.
  • Hundreds of error mails are no longer produced in case of license problems towards UCConnect.

  • In the Firstcom Europe SIP connection, a problem with the recognition of calls and their assignment to users in the journal has been improved.
  • On the client for Windows the deletion of a call forwarding was improved if two lines with the same phone number (one TAPI and one softphone) were forwarded to the same destination phone number and no call forwarding profile was used for it. Until now, the call forwarding had to be deleted on each line individually. In the future, there will be another menu item that shows the number of lines whose call forwarding will be cancelled when the corresponding button is pressed.

ProCall mobile apps


General information about End-of-Life (EOL)

Known problems and limitations

ProCall 7 Enterprise known problems and limitations   

Further information

Unterstützte Produkte von Drittanbietern →

System requirements →

ProCall Enterprise product page →