State of knowledge

July 2024

Version info:
From ProCall 8 Enterprise
From MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise

From ProCall 8 Enterprise 8.0 and MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise onwards, licenses are together with software maintenance contracts such as SPV and SA in the UCConnect portal.

For this online licensing you need:


Create UCConnect account or log in to UCConnect 

Via your UCConnect account you can

In the UCConnect Server administration, you can add licenses or request trial licenses.

After adding a license, the license key is displayed with details of the software maintenance contract.

Special features for extension licenses/upgrade from ProCall 7 Enterprise to ProCall 8 Enterprise

  • If extension licenses are added, they are displayed separately (without separate information on the SMA, the terms of the basic license apply).
  • When upgrading from ProCall 7 Enterprise to ProCall 8 Enterprise with a completed SA, this is valid as an SMA until the end of the term and is displayed in UCConnect. Since this ends automatically, a new SMA must be actively concluded. 
  • (warning) Licenses managed via online licensing cannot be imported into earlier ProCall Enterprise or MetaDirectory Enterprise versions.

UCConnect server account: Server ID with ServerID and password

For the installation of the UCServer, the UCConnect ServerID and the corresponding password are required to establish a connection between the UCConnect server account and the UCServer. These details can be found in the UCConnect server account in the "Server ID" area.

Installation and setup

Set up connection to UCConnect - Sample for ProCall Enterprise/UCServer

The UCServer needs a connection to UCConnect to check the licenses. 

To do this, enter the ServerID with the corresponding password in the estos UCServer setup, as entered in the UCConnect server account under Server ID

Example screenshot: UCServer Setup – Connect to UCConnect – Enter ServerID and password

If the account and license in UCConnect are correct, the UCServer connects to UCConnect with a positive response.

In case of an incorrect entry, or incorrect license in UCConnet, "Registration failed" appears. Please then check your entries.

Continue to run the setup.

The licenses entered are then displayed in the UCServer administration.


  • ProCall 8 Enterprise licenses cannot be imported into earlier ProCall Enterprise versions
  • Updates and upgrades are only possible with a running SPV/SA.
    If the validity date of the software maintenance contract has expired, the following error message is displayed when attempting to install an update: "Error during communication with the server. Please contact support."

    In this case, please verify the date entry Valid until in the license line of the software maintenance contract in the UCServer administration under General - Online licenses.
    If this has actually been exceeded, please contact the estos license sales department responsible for you.
    However, if the validity date has not yet been exceeded, please contact your responsible support department, stating the ServerID.

Further information


Retailer account in the UCConnect portal

Must there be a permanent connection to UCConnect in order to operate estos products?

License cannot be entered in UCConnect – button to add license is not available

ProCall 8 Enterprise


Frequently asked questions and answers about the software maintenance agreement

Online Licensing in conjunction with Sophos UTM 9

Offline licensing