
The provisions applicable here apply to end-user companies (end customers or interested parties) that have purchased or will purchase the products (licenses) from estos via a reseller (including authorized resellers and estos partners) and wish to contact the manufacturer of the products directly.

Applicable provisions for registration

By registering via our registration form <insert link> you agree to the following terms and conditions:

With registration you confirm

  • When purchasing products (licenses) the
    • Information on the dealer, authorized reseller or estos partner is correct and complete.
    • Information on licenses of the purchased products is provided to estos.
      If you have not yet purchased the products, you agree to be contacted by estos in writing or by telephone to receive information and advice on estos products and services.

The following applies to the registration:

  • The validity of the registration with access to estos product support is limited to a maximum of twelve (12) months.
    After expiration, a new check/registration may be required. You will be informed in due time before expiration. The term can be further shortened at the discretion of estos.
  • Only three (3) named employees with personalized e-mail address are authorized to access per company.
    E-mail addresses as distribution lists or non-personalized e-mail addresses cannot be used for registration: e.g. or 
  • Passing on personal access data to third parties/other persons is not permitted.
  • The registration process begins with the confirmation of the registration e-mail with which you agree to the terms and conditions.

Products not included

Start processing your request

After receiving the access data to our ticket system, please create a ticket accordingly: How to create a ticket for estos support, and you will receive a preliminary response even if the licenses of the products have not been submitted or verified yet.
Complete processing occurs after successful registration and compliance with these applicable terms and conditions for product support, when a check of the licenses and, if necessary, clarification with the estos authorized reseller or estos partner has taken place.

Participation and information

Further information

estos Customer Care (eCC)