State of knowledge

May 2024

ProCall Enterprisefrom V 8.5

Mitel MiVoice Business
from 9.1

Notes on the estos testing environment

The ProCall softphone functions (SIP) were tested in the estos test environment with the telephone system specified above. The tests were carried out with a maximum of 2 lines per SIP end device. The following information was used when setting up the telephone system for the login/registration of the individual SIP lines to the UCServer.

UDP connections

Only UDP connections are supported for the connection of SIP lines.

Configuration of the Mitel MiVoice Business telephone system - Recommendation for the general settings 

Customise SIP device capabilities

In order to enable the Referral and conference functions, the "SIP Device Capabilities" must be adjusted in the Profile for the SIP lines.


Replace System based with Device based In-Call Features = yes

Sample screenshot - Mitel MiVoice Business - System Properties - System Feature Settings - SIP Device Capabilities - Basic tab - Enable Replace systembased with device-based in-call features.

The display in the call window for "Forwarded from", "Hold" and "Forwarded by" depends on the settings in MiVoice Business.

Using "ring groups"

For incoming calls that are delivered to subscribers via a "ring group", the user cannot recognize that the call is coming via a group.
estos has not found a setting in MiVoice Business that changes this behavior.

If no further dependencies or ring group options are required, it is recommended to use the collection groups in the UCServer .

What settings were used for testing?

Allow Display Update = Yes

Example screenshot Mitel MyVoice Business Administration Interface - SIP Device Profile - System Properties - System Feature Settings - SIP Device Capabilities - Signaling and Header Manipulation - Allow Display Update

Profil für Benutzer: System Properties - System Feature Settings - Class of Service Options - Tab "General - Section "Display"

Setting up users and end devices

The SIP accounts required for the use of ProCall Enterprise must be set up via the Web interface of the Mitel MiVoice Business.

Menu item Users and Devices  - User and Service Configuration 

When creating the device, select "Device Type": Generic SIP Phone and set the "Service Level" to : FULL

The internal extension number entered under "Number" is required for the registration of the SIP line by the UCServer.

Assign a SIP password on the "Access and Authentication" tab. You will need this password for the registration of the SIP line by the UCServer.

Definieren Sie auf em Tab "Keys" eine zweite Line für das SIP Gerät. Tragen Sie diese nicht ein, können keine Vermittlungsaktion ausgeführt oder Konferenzen erstellt werden.

Mitel MiVoice Business: Multi-device User Groups

The use of "multi-device user groups" is supported with ProCall Enterprise.
Devices can be logged on and off using a feature code. The successful transfer of the action is confirmed by the telephone system with an acknowledgement tone on the SIP end device.

Configuration of the UCServer

The settings are made in the UCServer administration:

Setting up the telephone system connection

Enter the connection to the telephone system as "SIP softphone" with the type "Mitel MiVoice Business" under "Lines".

Example screenshot UCServer Administration - Telephony - Lines - Add Mitel MiVoice Business as telephone system under SIP Softphone

Beispiel Screenshot UCServer Verwaltung - Telefonie - Leitungen - Mitel MiVoice Business als Telefonanlage unter SIP Softphone hinzufügen

Add SIP softphone and registration

As Registrar, enter the connection data for the telephone system.

Example screenshot when setting up the telephone system for ProCall - add SIP softphone and enter registrar data 

Beispiel Screenshot bei der Einrichtung der Telefonanlage für ProCall - SIP-.Softphone hinzufügen und Registrar-Daten eingeben

The specified times for registration are for the default settings in the telephone system.

Softphone registration - user name and password

To connect to Mitel MiVoice Business, enter here:

  • User name(s): the internal phone number of the device
  • Password: the "SIP password" . stored in the user profile;
Take auth. user name from user name is always activated.
Example screenshot when setting up the telephone system for ProCall - Add SIP softphone - Login - Enter user name and password
Beispiel Screenshot bei der Einrichtung der Telefonanlage für ProCall - SIP-Softphone hinzufügen - Anmeldung - Benutzername und Passwort eingeben

Define name for the management group

After the SIP lines have been added to the line group, a unique name must be entered for them: <line group name>.

Example screenshot when setting up the telephone system for ProCall - Add SIP softphone - Name line group

Then set up the location and telephony details in the UCServer administration:

Configure location

Set up a suitable location in "Location" with the information on area code, area code, system number and extension range.

Configure line group

Via the context menu of the line group, you can access the Properties menu item.
Open the properties of the line group with the name that you defined above under <Line group name>.
Enter the previously created location here under location settings

Example screenshot of UCServer administration when setting up the telephone system for ProCall - Properties for line group - Location settings for the Mitel MiVoice Business 

Configure feature codes / pickup

No feature codes need to be defined for the functions in ProCall. The pickup is carried out internally by the estos UCServer.

Optionally, the feature codes for logging in and out of "ring groups" or "multi-device" groups can be entered.
Example screenshot UCServer administration - Properties for line group - Feature codes - Set up pickup - Execute pickup internally in UCServer
Beispiel Screenshot UCServer Verwaltung - Eigenschaften für Leitungsgruppe - Feature Codes - Pickup einrichten - Pickup intern im UCServer ausführen

Audio-Codecs priorisieren

On the Media tab, make sure to activate the two audio codecs towards PBX with the following prioritization:

  • G.711 aLaw (1. position),
  • G.711 μLaw (2. position).

The G.711 and Opus codecs are available in the setting option for the audio codecs towards the client. Select the codec that best meets your requirements.

Example screenshot UCServer administration - Properties for line group - Media - Prioritize audio codecs - G.711 aLaw and G.711 uLaw

Further information

Supported telephony functions for ProCall Enterprise with Mitel MiVoice Business

SIP Teilnehmerregistrierung an der Telefonanlage (PBX/vPBX)

Gruppen im UCServer

ProCall 8 Enterprise – softphone functionality


Version note

As estos has no influence on the further development of the supported telephone systems by the manufacturer, we cannot guarantee that the instructions described above will also be fully valid for future releases.