Release date


TypeService Release
Security advice


ProCall DataCenter 2306.0 was released on  as a service release.

When performing the update, please follow instructions for the update within a product version. 

ProCall 8

The update of ProCall DataCenter to version 2306.0 includes an upgrade to the basic technical version ProCall 8.

  • Please note that this will activate the new ChatApp by default. If you want to continue using the old chat, please see the following instructions below. If you cannot update Windows clients and UCServer at the same time, please note that the new ChatApp may only be activated after all Windows clients have been updated to version 2306.0.
  • Please also note that attached services (such as UMReplikator) may require a license and product update to a version compatible with version 8.
  • Please note that a fully configured Microsoft SQL database is required for this. When using an ODBC-18 driver, the specification of a fully-qualified host name for the SQL database connection is required.

Change in the release cycle

With this release, the release cycle is changed. In the future, only service releases will be offered. Maintenance releases will only be made on an ad hoc basis.

ProCall DataCenter (Core) 2306.0 (Build 7740)


New functions
  • ProCall DataCenter now uses ProCall 8 as its technical basis.
  • The new ChatApp is now also offered under ProCall DataCenter and used as default.
  • The SQLApi has been updated to SQLAPI 5.2.4 with MSODBC18 support.
  • Connection pooling was introduced to improve the performance of the SQL connection.
  • Up to now, up to 5,000 objects were read from the Active Directory by default. The default value has been increased to 60,000 objects.
  • If ProCall DataCenter is uninstalled, the configuration database is no longer removed automatically, but only the respective server is removed from the server list and the server-local settings are removed.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug that prevented UCServer from deleting settings from the configuration database.

  • Fixed an error that prevented registered DataCenter licenses from being removed.

  • Fixed an error that prevented ClientContent.xml from being written.
  • Fixed an error that if the UserPrincipleName is different from the sAMAccountName, this user could not log in.
  • Fixed an error that prevented DataCenter licenses from being deleted from the license pool.
  • Fixed a bug where if a file transfer setting was changed on one server, files could no longer be sent on the other server.
  • If no "next appointment" is available, an appointment with 30.12.1899 was displayed across servers. Now it is shown here (as well as not server-spreading) that no appointment is pending.
  • During the installation of ProCall DataCenter, the update of the configuration database on the servers of the multi-server environment was requested several times. The update is now correctly detected and requested only once.
Behavioral changes
  • The use of the UMReplicator from ProCall DataCenter 2306.0 requires f. UMReplicator version 8 incl. the license for version 8. Version 8.

Known problems and limitations

We publish known problems and limitations on the following page

Further information

Technical overview → 

System requirements →

ProCall DataCenter product page →

Comparison between ProCall DataCenter/Enterprise →