Release date


TypeMaintenance Release
Security advice

ProCall DataCenter 2206.1 will be released on  as a maintenance release.

When performing the update, please follow the instructions for updating within a product version.

ProCall DataCenter (Core) 2206.1 (Build 1.6273)


New functions
  • Fixed a problem with starting the UCServer service when the "settings" table was missing in the SQL database.
  • The database connection of the UCServer was revised so that parallel database accesses are possible. This generally improves the performance of the UCServer with regard to the database connection.
  • In ProCall DataCenter, the configuration export was hidden in the UCServer administration.
  • In the UCServer setup, error messages for the database connection have been adjusted.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed an error in UCServer that prevented the database update (Journal/Chat DB) from being performed correctly during a new installation.

Please also refer to the ProCall 7.5.1 Enterprise Release Notes for changes that do not explicitly affect ProCall DataCenter, but also ProCall Enterprise.

Known problems and limitations

For known problems and limitations, please see the following page

Further information

Technical overview →

System requirements →

ProCall DataCenter product page →

Comparison between ProCall DataCenter/Enterprise →