Release date


TypeMaintenance release
Security advice


ProCall Enterprise 8.3.2 was released on  as a maintenance release.

You don't have the latest version of ProCall Enterprise yet?

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When performing a UCServer update within a product version, please follow the instructions

ProCall 8 Enterprise SR3 Release Notes

Please also see the ProCall 8 Enterprise SR3 Release Notes

ProCall Enterprise (Core)


Bug fixes
  • Various minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • A problem with presence synchronization in a SIP federation with an innovaphone telephone system has been solved.
  • Fixed a UCServer crash when administrative keys with special characters were defined in groups in AD user management.
  • A bug has been fixed that in ProCall Enterprise version 8.3.0 and higher, placeholders such as "PN_CTICLIENT_LONG" were displayed in some places.
  • Fixed an error when running through the UCServer setup that only an empty log was displayed in the event of an incorrect service start.
Improvements and bug fixes to the ChatApp
  • Messages are no longer automatically marked as read if the client is not in focus.
  • Various minor bug fixes and layout improvements.

Known problems and limitations

ProCall Enterprise

Further information

Supported third-party products →

System requirements →

ProCall Enterprise product page →

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