Release date


TypeMaintenance release
Security advice


ProCall Enterprise 8.2.3 was released on  as a maintenance release.

You don't have the latest version of ProCall Enterprise yet?

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When performing a UCServer update within a product version, please follow the instructions

ProCall Enterprise (Core)


Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue with the softphone functionality that could cause one-sided audio on outgoing calls during a session refresh of the UCServer.
  • Fixed an issue with SIP federation that initially no contact data such as display name or phone numbers were exchanged.
  • Resolved an issue where unknown data sources were displayed in the ProCall client for Windows.
  • Es wurde ein Problem mit Terminen am UCServer gelöst, dass diese in der Datenbank unter Umständen nicht gelöscht werden konnten.
Improvements and bug fixes to the ChatApp
  • Various minor bug fixes to features like "chat pinning", contact details design and others.

Known problems and limitations

ProCall Enterprise

Further information

Supported third-party products →

System requirements →

ProCall Enterprise product page →

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