Release date


TypeMaintenance Release
Security advice

ProCall DataCenter 2206.3 was released on  as a maintenance release.

When performing the update, please follow instructions for the update within a product version. 

ProCall DataCenter (Core) 2206.3 (Build 6491)


New Functions
  • In order to know the number of activated users on the different servers of a multi-server environment and of the overall system, corresponding counters have been integrated into the user management of the UCAdmin interface. The number of activated users per administration server is now displayed as a tooltip of the "Administration server" column as well as a tooltip of the "User activated/not activated (yellow male)" column. In addition, the number of all activated users of the entire system is displayed in the top blue line.  
  • -
Bug fixes
  • An error in the assignment of rights for cross-server "Set call forwarding" has been fixed. Setting call forwarding is now possible with the appropriate rights. 

Please also note the changes adopted by ProCall Enterprise: 

ProCall 7.5.3 Enterprise Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

We publish known problems and limitations on the following page. 

Further information

Technical overview → 

System requirements →

ProCall DataCenter product page →

Comparison of ProCall DataCenter/Enterprise →