State of knowledge

May 2024


  • In the ProCall Client for Windows with softphone integration (local installation), the Audio/Video Wizard is grayed out or not available.
  • A caller receives the message "The other party is busy".
  • No calls can be started.
Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - menu item "Start audio/video wizard" is not available

Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - Menu item "Start audio/video wizard" is grayed out

Possible causes

  • The option "Do not use devices" is activated in the ProCall Client.
  • The Softphone audio chat or the Softphone audio/video chat is deactivated in the UCServer.
  • There are no audio or video devices installed on the computer or these are disabled in the operating system.


Cause 1: The "Do not use devices" option is activated

Infotext: The tooltips for handset and camera show "Devices deactivated".

Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - My phone - Devices deactivated

Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - My audio/video devices - Devices deactivated

Solution: Activate devices

Click on the camera icon and select the appropriate option "Use audio devices only" or "Use audio and video devices" instead of "Do not use any devices".

Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - Activate devices - Switch from "Do not use devices" to audio devices and video devices 

Cause 2: The Audio/VideoChat is deactivated by the administrator in the UCServer

Infotext: The Tooltip for the handset shows "Audio/video service deactivated.".

Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - Click on handset - My phone - Audio/video service deactivated

Solution: Activate Softphone AudioChat or Audio/Video Chat in the user administration

Check in the UCServer administration whether the functions Softphone AudioChat or Softphone Audio/VideoChat for individual user, a user group or in the global settings inactive.

Example screenshot: UCServer Administration - User administration - Global settings - Check softphone function: AudioChat or Audio-/VideoChat inactive? 

Example screenshot: UCServer Administration - User administration - Groups - Services - General functions - Check softphone function: AudioChat or Audio-/VideoChat inactive? 

Example screenshot: UCServer Administration - User administration - Users - Services - General functions - Check softphone function: AudioChat or Audio-/VideoChat inactive? 

Cause 3: No audio and/or video devices are installed on the computer or they are deactivated.

Infotext: The Tooltip for the handset shows "No microphone (no audio/video chat available)"

Example screenshot: ProCall Client for Windows - My phone - No microphone (no audio/video chat available)

Solution: Install and activate devices 

Install or activate audio and/or video devices on the computer.

Further information

How can I configure and test audio devices and video devices for ProCall?

Quick start guide for the user: ProCall 7 Enterprise client for Microsoft Windows

Remote Desktop Mode for ProCall clients

Setup: Enable audio/video communication with Remote Desktop Services (RDS)

Audio devices test via audio/video wizard returns error message or hangs up

Location of audio/video devices selected in the wizard