ProCall Meetings 1.0.9 was released for field testing on  as a maintenance release.

ProCall Meetings 1.0.9

Please note that the PIN for meeting rooms may only have a length of 6 digits. If there are still PIN-protected meeting rooms that are secured with a PIN that is not equal to 6 digits, then this PIN will be removed.

New features
  • A rights and role system, as well as a lobby, were introduced. Details can be found in the Documentation.
  • A counter was added to the lobby and pre-meeting area to display and count people waiting in the lobby.

  • In connection with the new lobby functionality, the PIN logic for a meeting room was revised:

    • The PIN request now happens before the pre-meeting (device selection).
    • The room owner is not asked for the PIN.
    • All other meeting participants must enter the PIN.
    • The PIN is now 6 digits.
  • The button for screen sharing has been adjusted in color.
  • When a new room is created, after creating the room, you will be automatically taken to the detailed view of that room.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where you could no longer enter PIN-protected rooms if the PIN contained a "0".
  • Fixed an issue where TURN Candidates could not be collected, causing connectivity issues in environments with very restrictive firewalls.
  • Fixed an issue that in the Pre-Meeting the "Join Meeting" button was not responding.
  • Fixed a bug that on the login page the header was positioned incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug in the layout that in mobile view the footer in the home area was covered by rooms.
  • Fixed a very rare bug where users, even though they used the same link to a meeting, were split between different servers and therefore did not attend the same meeting.
  • Fixed a bug in the Firefox browser that after turning the camera and microphone off and on again, meeting participants lost connection and had to reconnect.
  • Fixed a bug where navigating "Back" when creating a room would not take you back to the "My Rooms" section.
  • Fixed minor bugs with the "Invite appointment" function.

The IP addresses to the services have changed: Hostnames and IP addresses of online services for firewall configuration.

Known problems and limitations

ProCall Meetings known problems and limitations → 

Further information

System requirements →

ProCall Meetings product page →

Commissioning →