Release date


TypeMaintenance Release
Security advice


ProCall DataCenter 2210.3 was released on  as a maintenance release..

When performing the update, please follow instructions for the update within a product version. 

ProCall DataCenter (Core) 2210.3 (Build 7128)


New functions
  • As domain authentication, ProCall Client for Windows now supports Kerberos (not in VPN-less operation) and NTLM by default. For all other clients, only NTLM is still available.

  • With each UCServer restart, the version number of the UCServer is now updated in the startup.xml.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a problem with the MS-SQL database connection when uninstalling UCServer, which caused the UCServer service to crash.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a call from being retrieved across servers. The problem occurred only when the custom permissions ("Special") were set so that "See Incoming Calls" was disabled, but "Get Calls to User" was enabled at the same time. Retrieval now works across servers when "View Incoming Calls" is disabled.     

Known problems and limitations

We publish known problems and limitations on the following page

Further information

Technical overview → 

System requirements →

ProCall DataCenter product page →

Comparison of ProCall DataCenter/Enterprise →