Release date


TypeMaintenance Release
Security advice


ProCall DataCenter 2210.4 was released on  as a maintenance release..

When performing the update, please follow instructions for the update within a product version. 

ProCall DataCenter (Core) 2210.3 (Build 7328)


  • It detects whether a Redis subscriber connection is dropped. If this is the case, all Redis connections are reinitialized afterwards to ensure a stable connection to the Redis database.

Bug fixes
  • Resolved a problem with ProCall clients logging on to the UCServer in the combination of local file-based user management and Windows domain authentication.

  • Reverted changes that caused connection failures to Redis over TLS.

  • Fixed a problem that could cause the UCServer DataCenter to crash under unfavorable conditions when starting the service or after connecting to Redis.

Known problems and limitations

We publish known problems and limitations on the following page

Further information

Technical overview → 

System requirements →

ProCall DataCenter product page →

Comparison of ProCall DataCenter/Enterprise →