State of knowledge

November 2023

ProCall offers the possibility to expand the call window to include the monitoring of a (door) camera or intercom system.

This requires XSLT adaptations, for which we offer support as part of our Professional Services.


  • The doorbell must be indirectly monitorable with TAPI. This means that when the bell is pressed, the PBX must be set up to signal an incoming call from a specific extension (number) via TAPI to a ProCall user.
  • The camera image must be retrievable either via a stream or as a single image via a web interface.
  • The camera image should be no wider than about 220 pixels or automatically scalable.
  • The customer/manufacturer must provide a URL path that can display this stream/image directly in Internet Explorer. This means that no login mask may appear and no plugins (Java etc.) may be required

The described procedure requires knowledge in programming, configuration and administration, and the corresponding authorizations. 


  • One way to display the camera image in the ProCall Client is to adapt the RemoteContact.xslt, which you can find in the installation directory of the ProCall Client: C:\Program Files (x86)\estos\ProCall\templates\default

  • Copy the "RemoteContact.xslt" file to the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\estos\ProCall\templates, or to the %APPDATA% folders according to Tür-Kamera / Gegensprechanlage in das Gesprächsfenster integrieren
  • This ensures that the file is not overwritten even if the ProCall Client software is updated.
  • A user must be created in a data source (can also be the UCServer), which has the extension of the door camera as the call number and a meaningful display name (in this example "Door opener").

The RemoteContact.xslt must now be extended by the following code block:

<!-- Haustuer Kamerabild, wenn DisplayName Türöffner -->
	<xslt:if test="normalize-space(XSLT/Contact/DisplayName) = 'Türöffner'">
		<xslt:text disable-output-escaping="yes">Kamera Haustür</xslt:text>
		<br />
		<a href="" target="_blank">
		<img src="" width="280px" />

To refresh the image once per second the following code block can be used (The used camera must support this):

<!-- Haustuer Kamerabild, wenn DisplayName Türöffner -->
	<xslt:if test="normalize-space(XSLT/Contact/DisplayName) = 'Türöffner'">
		<xslt:text disable-output-escaping="yes">Kamera Haustür</xslt:text>
		<br />
		<a href="" target="_blank">
		<img src="" id="reloader" onload="setTimeout('document.getElementById(\'reloader\').src=\'\'+new Date().getMilliseconds()', 1000)" width="300px"/>

(lightbulb) Replace the sample URL above with the URL to your camera image.

Further information

Configure and customize call window

ProCall Enterprise %APPDATA% directory structure