Release date


TypeMajor Release (Product Release)
Security advice



ProCall DataCenter Release 2206.0 was released on.

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Welcome to ProCall DataCenter

We are pleased to release the first version of ProCall DataCenter with this release. You can find all information about ProCall DataCenter on our product page and our technical information

estos ProCall DataCenter is basically based on the current estos ProCall Enterprise version and is also suitable for use in a multi-server environment, where several UCServers can work together and be administered.

In particular, large environments and systems with increased redundancy and administration requirements are supported.

ProCall DataCenter is particularly suitable for use in large companies with more than 2,500 workstations.

estos ProCall DataCenter Grafik

What do the version names mean?

ProCall DataCenter is released in a rolling-release manner. This means there are no major releases but smaller incremental features releases (approx. 3 feature releases) every year and additionally one maintenance release each month. 

Version numbering results as follows: Year and month of the feature release and increment of the maintenance release. Example: 2206.0 → Feature release published in June 2022. A maintenance release based on this in July is then published as 2206.1.

Language variants

  • German (Standard) – de-DE

  • English (United States) – en-US

estos product combinations

The following combinations with estos products are approved for use with ProCall DataCenter.

ProCall DataCenter UCServer versionestos combination product
  • ECSTA from V 6.x
  • ixi-UMS from V 7.x
  • LiveChat from V 2005
  • MetaDirectory from V 5.x 

Migration and Update

To migrate from an existing ProCall Enterprise installation, be sure to follow the Migration of an existing business environment to DataCenter.

Always perform a backup before making any changes to an existing installation.

Known problems and limitations

For known problems and limitations, please see the following page

Further information

Technical overview →

System requirements →

ProCall DataCenter product page →

Comparison between ProCall DataCenter/Enterprise →