The estos ProCall main window gives you access to all the features that support you in your daily work.

At the top: the "My presence" area for your settings

Here you can manage the settings for your presence and communication:

ProCall Enterprise and Microsoft Teams

If ProCall integration with Microsoft Teams is set up, you can also use the icon for presence matching with Microsoft Teams in the My area and in the ProCall client, for example..

ProCall Enterprise and ProCall Meetings

If you have ProCall Meetings and ProCall Integration with ProCall Meetings set up, you can also see, for example, who is currently in a meeting.

Search for contacts and numbers

You can use the Search function to search all connected contact databases (e.g. from Microsoft Outlook or CRM system) for a number or a contact or search term

With an intelligent search entry (search parameters separated by commas) even more complex search queries are possible.


Set up your favorites, assign them to groups, and see their presence and availability:

  • By right-clicking on a contact, you can see detailed information about the contact and can immediately start or plan communication activities.
    The communication icons in Favorites show you which communication channel is currently available for this contact or whether call protection or call forwarding is configured, or an appointment is pending. 
  • By right-clicking on the group assignment you can change the view on Favorites, in order to sort or add contacts.


Follow up on unprocessed or planned actions

The button  provides you with even more options.

  • Start ProCall Monitor 
  • Start journal browser
  • Settings
    Here you can configure your client
  • Inbox
  • Help
  • Info about ProCall
    Version info, information about the detected installation environment, license notes and an expert view for detailed information about creating log files and setting the debug level for error analysis).
  • End ProCall