Release Date


TypeQuality Update

ProCall NEX 2410.3 Preview

based on ProCall

Bug fixes/improvements

ProCall Client for Windows 

  • If there is a local UCServer group, the name of the group was always displayed when searching for an @. This problem has been fixed.
  • A "no audio" problem in connection with the "internal pickup" has been fixed if the pickup process took a relatively long time. This could happen, for example, if a TAPI call was picked up by a softphone subscriber and the call took a relatively long time to arrive at the pickup destination.
  • A newly configured SIP line was not sent to the client if "Automatic" was configured as the location in the line group. The problem has been fixed.

  • In the server administration program, contradictory configuration processes relating to call forwarding are intercepted more effectively. If, for example, administrative call forwarding to the mailbox was activated for a user while the "Call forwarding" service was deactivated in "CTI functions", the setting was discarded without a message. In future, messages or questions will appear asking whether and how the setting should be applied.

ProCall Voice Services

Bug fixes/improvements
  • The assignment of end devices when the user is reactivated has been improved.

ProCall App für Web (Preview 2025.02.18)

Bug fixes/improvements

ProCall App für Android (2025.02.19)

Bug fixes/improvements
  • The login process has been improved.

  • The UCConnect ID is now automatically saved for all users when logging in, even without a password manager.

  • A login problem with Microsoft Entra ID has been fixed.

  • The accessible presence icons are also displayed in the ProCall app for Android.

  • Presence "Not logged in" and "No presence information available" are now visually distinguishable.

  • An occasional crash after a call has been fixed.

  • A problem with the monochrome app icon has been fixed.

MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise

ProCall NEX Release Notes 2410.3 - Preview

Further information

ProCall NEX product page  →

ProCall Voice Services Übersicht  →

Preisliste STARFACE Connect →