Release date

TypeQuality Update
Security advice


Notes on the upgrade procedure for major release change

To upgrade an existing MetaDirectory installation, please follow the upgrade procedure.

Welcome to MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise

MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise is the new generation and further development of the powerful directory service from version 5. The LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access) server merges different databases into a single, company-wide, consistent LDAP directory. The intelligent preparation of data, such as employee and customer contacts, enables easy searching and fast presentation of results. Thanks to the standardization of data into a uniform format (LDAP schema) and the automated normalization of phone numbers, an efficient search can be performed even in large and distributed databases.

Improvements and bug fixes



  • When connecting the Active Directory as a user database, the check for changes to the user object has been improved. This reduces memory consumption for large numbers of users / groups.
  • The read out of large numbers of users and groups in the MetaDirectory Administrator has been improved.

Bug fixes

  • With MetaDirectory 6.0.2, copying the "Default" folder under Terminal was deactivated. Incorrectly, this option was still available in the context menu. This has now been corrected. If the default folder is to be used as a copy, this must be done directly in the directory.
  • The parameterized search no longer worked on the website. The problem has been fixed.

  • If the user administration is connected to the UCServer and the users and groups are imported via UMReplikator, the groups were always deactivated. The problem has been fixed.
  • If the URL entered in the Micosoft Dynamic NAV Replicator contained special characters, the wizard "crashed". The problem has been fixed.
  • In some cases, the DATEV replicator could not be subsequently changed because the "NLogFx40.dll" could not be loaded. The ""NLogFx40.dll"" is obsolete and the call has been removed.
  • An error has been fixed where an error message was displayed in the "Google people Replicator" and replication was aborted with "The path has an invalid format".
  • The function "Activation of users via groups" no longer worked. The error has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed that caused MetaAdmin.exe to "crash" during an AD import.
  • The MetaDirectory could not establish a connection with the UCConnect if it is connected to the Internet via a proxy. The log shows: "Setup TLS of TCP tunnel failed on Proxy" and "Create WebSocket on TCP Tunnel failed on Proxy". The problem has been fixed.

Notes on interoperability

End-of-life/end-of-support for the following third-party products that are no longer supported in the current release:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (End of Support through Microsoft)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (End of Support through Microsoft)

Language versions administration interface

  • German (Standard) – de-DE
  • English (United States) – en-US

Language variations web portal

  • German (Standard) – de-DE

  • English (United States) – en-US

  • Spanish (Standard) – es-ES

  • French (Standard) – fr-FR

  • Italian (Standard) – it-IT

  • Dutch (Standard) – nl-NL

estos product combinations

The following combinations with estos products are approved for use with MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise:

  • ProCall 8 Enterprise
  • ProCall 7 Enterprise 
  • LiveChat 2


To upgrade an existing MetaDirectory installation, please note the notes on the upgrade procedure.

Be sure to perform a backup before making any changes to an existing installation.

Further information

System requirements →

MetaDirectory product page →