If you want to continue using the existing journal entries, please proceed as follows:
Beenden Sie ProCall One R2
Create a backup copy of the database C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\estos\ProCall One\database\CtiServerDatabasejournal.mdb. You can get to this path by running %appdata%
Create a local copy of the database C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\estos\ProCall One\database\CtiServerDatabasejournal.mdb
Start MS Access and open the local database copy
Start the function 'Compress and Repair' in MS Access
Save the repaired database and replace the defective database in the above path
Start ProCall One R2 and test whether the Journal database can be used again
Do not reuse journal entries
If you can do without the existing journal entries or the above note did not bring about an improvement, please proceed as follows:
Exit ProCall One R2
Rename the database folder C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\estos\ProCall One\database\, e.g. to database.bak
Start ProCall One R2 and all databases are recreated