Update statusMarch 2024
Product relevance

estos ProCall 8 Enterprise

estos ProCall 7 Enterprise

Extension of the call window via the estos SDK should only be carried out with the appropriate expertise!

A reference solution is included in the ProCall Enterprise SDK to extend the call window with a link that creates a callback notification via email.


How to get the ProCall Enterprise SDKs

The component required to use the feature and described below can be found in the SDK package, which can be obtained from the estos download area . When selecting the language, make sure to select English (United States).

Furthermore, please ensure that you always use the same version of the SDK and estos ProCall Enterprise.


The required component CWJournalForward.htm can be found in the SDK file archive

in subfolder COM\Script:

This file must be copied to a location that can be reached by all relevant ProCall clients via a network share, e.g. \\<server>\<share>\procall (read rights are sufficient)

The HTML document contains a link that is created using JavaScript with the relevant contact details, the note and a descriptive email subject. The help in the SDK, which is only available in English, contains further information under the keyword ConversationWindow .

To integrate the extension in the ProCall call window, a corresponding Microsoft Windows registry entry must be set on each relevant client.

The required key is 

  • ConversationWindowURL
  • Type: REG_SZ
  • Value: URL to HTML document, e,g, http://<server>/<path>/CWJournalForward.htm

and can be set under the following keys:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\ESTOS\UCServer4\CtiMain
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ESTOS\UCServer4\CtiMain

In ProCall, the value can also be stored in the profiles of the UCServer user administration.

Further information

Configure and customize call window

Call window customization Web Editor