State of knowledge

March 2025

estos ProCall 8 Enterprise
estos MetaDirectory 6  


During the execution of the installation, it is aborted with an error message.

Analysis options

Generate log files for the setup

UCServer from 8.1.x

  • The UCServer MSI is automatically executed in context, so an MSI log is created.
  • The log can be found under %temp% sample name "MSI6f264.txt".

MetaDirectory 6

  • The MetaDirectory MSI is automatically executed in context, so an MSI log is created.
  • The log can be found under %temp% sample name "MSI756d5.txt".

UCServer vor 8.1.x und ProCall client

  • Start the setup with a command line like this:
    msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\YourProduct.msi /L*v C:\YourProduct.log
  • With Windows installer 3.0 or higher you can additionally use the x parameter to get extended debug information:
    msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\YourProduct.msi /L*vx C:\YourProduct.log

  • If Windows installer crashes or hangs so that you have to terminate the process via the task manager, the last logging information may be lost because it has not yet been written to the file. In this case, add the ! parameter so that each line is immediately written to disk:
    msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\YourProduct.msi /L*v! C:\YourProduct.log
    msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\YourProduct.msi /L*vx! C:\YourProduct.log

    Replace the YourProduct.msi accordingly with the MSI that is actually running.

    In the MSI logs you will find further information about possible causes.

    Please note that this will slow down your setup!

Online licensing from ProCall 8 Enterprise

From version 8.0.1.x

If errors related to online licensing occur during the installation, you can find a log in the "%temp%\ucserver_install.log" file that provides more detailed information about the cause of the error.

Further information