Update status

July 2023

Product relevance: estos ECSTA 6

Driver management – Lines – Line status

The driver management for ECSTA for Mitel MiVoice Office 400 shows the respective line status under Lines in the last column.

If the line can be monitored successfully and is also accessible by a TAPI application such as the estos ProCall Enterprise server, the line status is indicated by a green dot.


Line status red

If the line status is displayed with a red dot, this indicates that the line is not successfully monitored by estos ECSTA or that access is not possible.

Possible reason

Missing licenses in the PBX

The most common cause of a red line status on the Mitel MiVoice Office 400 PBX is the lack of sufficient CSTA licenses on the PBX system.

This can be seen by analyzing the driver log.
Further information on how to activate ECSTA logging can be found here:
Creating a debug log in the ECSTA middleware

Example log file

Here is an example from the generated log file tcpy_x.txt, which records the communication with the telephone system. (y corresponds to the driver instance number, x corresponds to a consecutive log file number).


15.12.2022 12:00:01:100;32;ETspTransportTCP::TCSendData;
1011<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<csta:MonitorStart xmlns:csta="http://www.ecma-international.org/standards/ecma-323/csta/ed5">
   <csta:monitorObject xmlns="http://www.ecma-international.org/standards/ecma-323/csta/ed5">

15.12.2022 12:00:01:110;32;DataReceive;
<csta:CSTAErrorCode xmlns:csta="http://www.ecma-international.org/standards/ecma-323/csta/ed5">

In this example, estos ECSTA attempts to monitor line 123 and receives an error code overallMonitorLimitExceeded (according to ECMA standard 269) back from the PBX in the associated response.

This means that it can be assumed that too few CSTA licenses are available for the operation of additional lines in the telephone system.