Last updatedMay 2024
Product relevance

estos ProCall 8 Enterprise

estos ProCall 7 Enterprise

TAPI application on Terminal Services - PBX system TSP can be installed as a second instance on Terminal Services

Desired functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows clients.
  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI Service Provider to the telephone system can be installed on two Windows hosts and can be operated with two simultaneous parallel connections to the telephone system,
  • the TAPI service provider for the telephone system is suitable for installation on terminal services.


  • the PBX system TSP on the Terminal Services Host to provide the TAPI lines for the TAPI application on Terminal Services,
  • the PBX system TSP on the estos ProCall Enterprise Server for accessing the TAPI lines via ProCall Enterprise Clients,
  • no estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver.
estos diagram/topology: Telephone system, PBX system TSP on ProCall Enterprise Server, PBX system TSP on Terminal Services

TAPI application on Terminal Services - PBX TSP as second instance on Terminal Services NOT installable

Desired functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows clients,
  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI service provider to the telephone system cannot establish more than one simultaneous parallel connection to the telephone system
  • the TAPI service provider for the telephone system is not suitable for installation on terminal services.


  • the PBX system TSP on the estos ProCall Enterprise Server for access to the TAPI lines via ProCall Enterprise Clients,
  • the estos UCServer Multiline TAPI Driver on the Terminal Services Host to provide the TAPI lines for the TAPI application on Terminal Services.
    The Multiline TAPI Driver thus maps the lines provided by the PBX system TSP on the ProCall Enterprise Server to the Terminal Server.
estos diagram/topology: Telephone system, PBX system TSP on ProCall Enterprise Server, PBX system TSP and MultiLine TSP on Terminal Services, remote TSP on the ProCall clients

TAPI application on Terminal Services - two different telephone systems - PBX system TSP NOT installable on Terminal Services

Desired functionality

  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.

  • The users' hardphones are connected to two telephone systems of different types..


It is assumed that

  • the PBX system TSP (TAPI service provider for the telephone system) is not suitable for installation on terminal services.


  • the PBX system TSP type A and the PBX system TSP type B on an estos ProCall Enterprise Server,
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on the Terminal Services Host. The MultiLine TAPI Driver thus maps the TAPI lines from PBX A and PBX B (provided by the ProCall Enterprise Server) on the terminal server.
estos diagram/topology: Telephone systems type A and type B, PBX system TSP type A and type B on ProCall Enterprise Server, MultiLine TSP on Terminal Services 

estos ProCall Enterprise on two telephone systems of the same type - PBX system TSP can be instantiated multiple times

Desired functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows clients,
  • ProCall Enterprise Client users have the option of working with a TAPI-capable application on the local Windows clients.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI service provider to the telephone system on a Windows host can be instantiated multiple times and thus two telephone systems can be connected in parallel at the same time,


  • the PBX system TSP on the estos ProCall Enterprise Server is required in two instances, one instance for the connection to telephone system #1 and another instance for the connection to telephone system #2,
  • No estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver,
  • the estos Remote TAPI driver on the client workstations, if the ProCall Enterprise Client users work with a TAPI-capable application on the local Windows clients.
estos diagram/topology: 2 telephone systems type A, PBX system TSP type 1 and 2 on ProCall Enterprise Server, ProCall clients with remote TSP

estos ProCall Enterprise on two telephone systems of the same type - PBX system TSP CANNOT be instantiated multiple times

Desired functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows Clients,

  • optionally ProCall Enterprise Client users work with a TAPI-enabled application on local Windows clients.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI service provider to the telephone system on a Windows host cannot be instantiated multiple times and thus no more than one connection to a telephone system of the same type can be established on a Windows host using PBX TSP.


  • the PBX system TSP on an estos ProCall Enterprise Server to provide the TAPI lines of the PBX #1,

  • the PBX system TSP on another estos ProCall Enterprise Server to provide the TAPI lines of the PBX #2,
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on one of the both ProCall Enterprise Servers to map the TAPI lines of the other ProCall Enterprise Server locally.
    In the example shown, the ProCall Enterprise users connect to Server #1, on which the TAPI lines of PBX #1 (via PBX TSP) and the TAPI lines of PBX #2 (via Multiline TAPI Driver to Server #2) are available,
  • the estos Remote TAPI driver on the client workstations, if the ProCall Enterprise Client users work with a TAPI-capable application on the local Windows clients.
estos diagram/topology: 2 telephone systems of the same type, PBX system TSP 1 on ProCall Enterprise Server1, PBX system TSP 2 on ProCall Enterprise Server2, MultiLine TSP, ProCall clients with remote TSP

TAPI application on Terminal Services - two telephone systems of the same type - PBX system TSP can NOT be installed on Terminal Services and cannot be instantiated multiple times

Desired Functionality

  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.

  • The users' hardphones are connected to two telephone systems of the same type.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI Service Provider for the telephone system is not suitable for installation on Terminal Services,
  • the TAPI service provider to the telephone system on a Windows host cannot be instantiated more than once and therefore no more than one connection to a telephone system of the same type can be established on a Windows host using PBX TSP.


  • the PBX system TSP type A #1 on an estos ProCall Enterprise Server (here PCE Server #1),

  • the PBX TSP type A #2 on another estos ProCall Enterprise Server (here PCE Server #2),
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on one of the two ProCall Enterprise Servers to map the TAPI lines of the other ProCall Enterprise Server locally,
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on the Terminal Services Host. The Multiline TAPI Driver thus maps the TAPI lines of PBX #1 and PBX #2 (PCE Server #1) on the terminal server.
estos diagram/topology: Terminal Services - 2 telephone systems of the same type, PBX system TSP, 2 ProCall Enterprise Servers, MultiLine TSP

An alternative structure would also be conceivable for these requirements:

  • the PBX system TSP type A #1 on an estos ProCall Enterprise Server (here PCE Server #1),
  • the PBX system TSP type A #2 on another estos ProCall Enterprise Server (here PCE Server #2),
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver #1 on the Terminal Services Host, for mapping the TAPI lines of PBX A #1 via PCE Server #1 and
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver #2 also on the Terminal Services Host, for mapping the TAPI lines of the PBX A #2 via PCE Server #2.

Which topology variant is preferable may depend on the topologies and the positioning of any ProCall Enterprise clients used.

TAPI application on Terminal Services - System TSP can be installed as a second instance on Terminal Services

Desired functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows clients.

  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI Service Provider to the PBX is installed on two Windows hosts and can be operated with two sumultaneous parallel connectionsto PBX,
  • the TAPI Service Provider to PBX is suitable for installation on Terminal Services.


  • the PBX system TSP on the Terminal Services Host to provide the TAPI lines for the TAPI application on Terminal Services,

  • the PBX system TSP on the estos ProCall Enterprise Server for accessing the TAPI lines via ProCall Enterprise Clients,

  • No estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver.

estos diagram/topology: Telephone system, system TSP on ProCall Enterprise Server, system TSP on Terminal Services

TAPI application on Terminal Services - PBX system TSP as second instance NOT installable on Terminal Services 

Required Functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows clients,

  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI Service Provider to PBX cannot establish more than one simultaneous parallel connections to PBX
  • the TAPI Service Provider to PBX is not suitable for installation on Terminal Services.


  • the system TSP on the estos ProCall Enterprise Server for access to the TAPI lines via ProCall Enterprise Clients,

  • the estos UCServer Multiline TAPI Driver on the Terminal Services Host to provide the TAPI lines for the TAPI application on Terminal Services.

    The Multiline TAPI Driver thus maps the lines provided by the system TSP on the ProCall Enterprise Server to the terminal server.

estos diagram/topology: Telephone system, system TSP on ProCall Enterprise Server, MultiLine TSP on Terminal Services, Remote TSP on the ProCall clients

TAPI application on Terminal Services - two different telephone systems - PBX system TSP NOT installable on Terminal Services

Required functionality

  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.

  • The hardphones of the users are connected to two PBXs of different types.


It is assumed that

  • the system TSP (TAPI service provider for the telephone system) is not suitable for installation on terminal services.


  • the PBX system TSP type A and the PBX system TSP type B on an estos ProCall Enterprise Server,
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on the Terminal Services Host. The MultiLine TAPI Driver thus maps the TAPI lines from PBX A and PBX B (provided by the ProCall Enterprise Server) on the terminal server.
estos diagram/topology: Telephone system 1 type A, telephone system 2 type B, system TSP type A and B on ProCall Enterprise Server, MultiLine TSP on Terminal Services

estos ProCall Enterprise on two telephone systems of the same type - system TSP can be instantiated multiple times

Desired functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows clients,

  • optionally the ProCall Enterprise client users work with a TAPI-capapble application on the localen Windows clients.


It is assumed that

  • The TAPI Service Provider for the telephone system on a Windows host can be instantiated multiple times, so that two telephone systems can be connected in parallel at the same time,


  • the PBX system TSP on the estos ProCall Enterprise Server is required in two instances, one instance for the connection to telephone system #1 and another instance for the connection to telephone system #2,
  • No estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver,
  • the estos Remote TAPI driver on the client workstations, if the ProCall Enterprise Client users work with a TAPI-capable application on the local Windows clients.
estos diagram/topology: 2 telephone systems type A, PBX system TSP 1 and 2 on ProCall Enterprise Server, ProCall clients with remote TSP

estos ProCall Enterprise on two telephone systems of the same type - PBX system TSP CANNOT be instantiated multiple times

Desired functionality

  • estos ProCall Enterprise clients with hardphones work on local Windows-clients,

  • Optionally, the ProCall Enterprise Client users with a TAPI-capable application work on local Windows clients.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI service provider to the telephone system on a Windows host cannot be instantiated more than once and therefore no more than one connection to a telephone system of the same type can be established on a Windows host using PBX TSP.


  • the PBX system TSP on an estos ProCall Enterprise Server for providing the TAPI lines of the PBX #1,
  • the PBX system TSP on another estos ProCall Enterprise Server to provide the TAPI lines of the PBX #2,
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on one of the both ProCall Enterprise Servers to map the TAPI lines of the other ProCall Enterprise Server locally.
    In the example shown, the ProCall Enterprise users connect to Server #1, on which the TAPI lines of PBX #1 (via PBX TSP) and the TAPI lines of PBX #2 (via Multiline TAPI Driver to Server #2) are available,
  • the estos Remote TAPI driver on the client workstations, if the ProCall Enterprise Client users work with a TAPI-capable application on the local Windows clients.
estos diagram/topology: 2 telephone systems of the same type, system TSP 1 on ProCall Enterprise Server2, system TSP 2 on ProCall Enterprise Server2, MultiLine TSP, ProCall clients with remote TSP

TAPI application on Terminal Services - two telephone systems of the same type - PBX TSP can NOT be installed on Terminal Services and can NOT be instantiated multiple times

Required functionality

  • Users with hardphones use a TAPI-capable application on Terminal Services.
  • The users' landline telephones are connected to two PBXs of same type.


It is assumed that

  • the TAPI Service Provider to PPX is not suitable for installation on Terminal Services,
  • the TAPI service provider to the telephone system on a Windows host cannot be instantiated multiple times and therefore no more than one connection to a telephone system of the same type can be established on a Windows host using PBX TSP.


  • the PBX system TSP type A #1 on an estos ProCall Enterprise Server (here PCE Server #1),

  • the PBX system TSP type A #2 on another estos ProCall Enterprise Server (here PCE Server #2),
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on one of the two ProCall Enterprise Servers to map the TAPI lines of the other ProCall Enterprise Server locally,
  • the estos UCServer MultiLine TAPI Driver on the Terminal Services Host. The Multiline TAPI Driver thus maps the TAPI lines of PBX #1 and PBX #2 (PCE Server #1) on the terminal server.
estos diagram/topology: 2 telephone systems of the same type A, PBX system TSPs on ProCall Enterprise Server 1 and 2, MultiLine TSPs on Terminal Services