If an incoming call on a TAPI line is picked up by a colleague via the pickup function (e.g. pickup via feature code), the call is not marked as "Unprocessed" in the ProCall client journal at the originally called user and the notification about a missed call via the speech balloon at the taskbar is missing.
In the estos UCServer debug log, the following is logged:
23.09.2021 13:22:18:355;32;ETapiLineThread-11604;ICtiCall::SetCIDisconnectReason;AutoMarkReadForPickup for call CIDE050ACBEBC03EB4B8D8EBDE540073170|tapi-xy
Microsoft Windows registry entry
In the Microsoft Windows registry, under the HLKM\Software\ESTOS\UCServer4\Server key, set the DWORD (32-bit) DisableAutoMarkReadForPickup to the value 1 (decimal).
- Key: HLKM\Software\ESTOS\UCServer4\Server
- Name: DisableAutoMarkReadForPickup
- Value: 1
- Infos: 0=Inactive (default) | 1=Active
Restart the estos UCServer service.
Picked-up calls are not marked as answered (blue) in the journal