If logging in ProCall Enterprise client is enabled on the Debug level Debug (all), the logs of the integrated WebRTC stack are also written.
These WebRTCTrace files have the file name according to the format WebRTCTrace_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_MS.txt and are stored, like the other client log files, in the folder %localappdata%\estos\ProCall 7\logs (version 7) or %localappdata%\estos\ProCall 6\logs (version 6).
In the ProCall Enterprise client default product, a maximum of five to six log files are kept for all log file types for reviewing the history.
As an exception, the WebRTCTrace files are not managed on a session-by-session basis, but a new WebRTCTrace file is created for every SIP softphone call, every audio or video chat, or even for every call to the audio/video wizard.
Number of saved WebRTCTrace files
This results in the possibility of a review being very limited with only five to six WebRTCTrace files.
As of ProCall Enterprise version, this number of stored WebRTCTrace files has been increased by ten, i.e. as of this version, the latest 15 to 16 WebRTCTrace files are now always kept.
In the case of "frequent calls", this increased number of log files may also be too small to be able to look far enough back into history for analysis, since numerous other calls may have been made, or audio/video wizard operations performed after an error occurred during a softphone or audio/video call.
Increase number via registry entry
Therefore, the number of cached log files can be further increased by means of the registry DWORD ClientLogRollOverCount.
This DWORD is not present in the default product and is set here in the example to 20 (0x14) log files:
Please note that the use of this registry value also results in an increase of further ProCall Enterprise client log files and sufficient free hard disk capacity must be available for intermediate storage.