Knowledgebase Release Notes MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise Release Notes Current: MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise Release Notes 6.2.2 Quality Update MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise Release Notes 6.2.2 Quality Update Release date28 Jan 2025TypeQuality UpdateVersion6.2.2Security advice- Notes on the upgrade procedure for major release change To upgrade an existing MetaDirectory installation, please follow the notes on the upgrade procedure. Not yet the latest version?Download MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise EN →Improvements and bug fixesMetaDirectory following problems have been fixed:If the password has a # or ? as the first character, an empty password was saved. It was possible to log in to MetaDirectory Admin without a password.The search in the locally installed "Das Telefonbuch" from TVG Verlag did not return any results.When connecting the CD "Das Telefonbuch Deutschland", a path differing from the default was not saved.When installing via the command line, the log directory was not saved.Notes on interoperabilityEnd-of-life/end-of-support for the following third-party products that are no longer supported in the current release:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (End of Support through Microsoft)Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (End of Support through Microsoft)Language versions administration interfaceGerman (Standard) – de-DEEnglish (United States) – en-USLanguage variations web portalGerman (Standard) – de-DEEnglish (United States) – en-USSpanish (Standard) – es-ESFrench (Standard) – fr-FRItalian (Standard) – it-ITDutch (Standard) – nl-NLestos product combinationsThe following combinations with estos products are approved for use with MetaDirectory 6 Enterprise:ProCall 8 EnterpriseProCall 7 Enterprise (End-of-Life seit 31.12.2024)LiveChat 2UpgradeTo upgrade an existing MetaDirectory installation, please note the notes on the upgrade procedure. Be sure to perform a backup before making any changes to an existing installation. Further informationSystem requirements →MetaDirectory product page →