State of knowledge

Oktober 2024


ProCall NEX is available as a preview version. There are still limitations in terms of functionality and quality. We are continuously working on further development.
The information given here is still provisional and is constantly being updated.

ProCall NEX offers different application and usage options depending on the tariff booked.


The following overview shows the main differences between the individual tariffs

Tariffs ProCall NEX: Business - Professional - Professional Flat - Enterprise

Known problems and restrictions

ApplicationRestrictionNext steps
ProCall App for Web

Currently in preview phase, therefore generally still limited range of functions,
e.g. e.g. no user registration/deregistration for a group possible in the ProCall App for Web yet

Ongoing further development
ProCall App for Microsoft Teams

Clearly limited range of functions

Further development as required
ProCall Mobile Apps

Limited range of functions (e.g. no consultation calls and softphone conferences possible, no call forwarding to voice mailbox configurable)

Ongoing further development
MetaDirectoryAvailable on-premisesNo cloud solution currently planned
Device controlCurrently, end devices can only be controlled via the end devices themselves, not via ProCallExtension planned for March 2025
Four-digit extensions,
Deviation from standard telephony functions
Individual clarification of support requiredOngoing expansion of functions
Use a different SIP trunkSupport in tariff 1 & 2, individual clarification of support requiredremains, as tariffs 3 & 4 include the National Flat via STARFACE Connect
Supported regions only available for the D/A/CH region.
Currently, no standardized support for other countries
Individual case examination possible if required
DeviceOnly UserCurrently not yet available for orderExpansion planned for March 2025

Weiterführende Informationen

ProCall NEX Produktseite  →

ProCall NEX Release Notes → 

ProCall Voice Services Übersicht  →

Preisliste STARFACE Connect →