State of knowledge

June 2022

Moderator rights

Meeting organizers and participants who are assigned moderator rights can: 

  • Lock/unlock a meeting room
  • Allow participants access to a locked meeting room
  • Assign and revoke moderator rights to participants
  • Mute participants (individually or all) 
  • Remove participants from the meeting

The organizer of a meeting is automatically the first moderator.

Who currently has moderator rights in the meeting can be identified in the participant list by a symbol with a crown and the corresponding tool tip..

Lock meeting room

As an organizer, you can lock the meeting room in the meeting via the participant list with the lock icon so that access must be explicitly requested
You and, if necessary, other moderators see the participants requesting access ("knocking") and can grant or deny access.

Appoint moderator

As a meeting organizer, you can assign moderator rights to other participants before a meeting or during a meeting, or revoke this right.

Before the start of a meeting

When creating a new meeting room, you can enable the Grant all moderator rights option in the New RoomModerators dashboard

During a meeting

During a meeting, you can assign or revoke moderator rights for each participant via the three dots in the participant list.

Example screenshot ProCall Meetings: Appointing a participant as moderator in the participant list

Mute participants 

Presenters can mute individual or all participants. Each meeting participant can unmute and unmute his or her microphone.

Before the start of a meeting

As an organizer, when you create a meeting room in the dashboard, you can choose to mute all participants when they join.

Example screenshot ProCall Meetings: My rooms – New room – Meeting options – Mute participants on joining

This is also indicated to the participants in the pre-meeting before joining such a room.

During a meeting

During a meeting, you can mute individual participants (next to the participant name) or all participants (at the top of the bar) in the participant list using the microphone icon  

Remove participants from the meeting

During a meeting, you as the organizer/moderator can remove individual participants from the meeting. To do this, go to the participants list and use the three dots next to a participant to select the "Remove from meeting" option