Since updating to a newer version of Skype from Microsoft, the following has been observed:
Microsoft Skype overwrites the setting for the default instant messaging program. This causes presence display problems in Microsoft Outlook version 2010 and later and also Skype is used as the default dialing application.
The presence problem can be fixed by editing the following registry key:
up to ProCall Enterprise version 6.4:
"DefaultIMApp" = "ProCall"
from ProCall Enterprise Version 6.41:
"DefaultIMApp"= OLPPsCOM
Example screenshot: Registry Editor – IM Providers – DefaultIMApp

Standard telephony application
Often a problem is that on Microsoft Windows level the standard telephony software has been changed. This is reset to ProCall via the following registry key:
"RequestMakeCall" = "DIALIT32.exe"
The value that is on the far left in this key receives priority. Dialit32.exe is the correct value.
You can find another solution on the following page: