State of knowledge

September 2024 
Version info: ProCall 8 Enterprise
ProCall Client für Windows 

If you want to receive a short notification for one of your contacts as soon as their presence changes or an incoming call is received, you can use the Inform about status change option in ProCall Monitor and Main Window.

Notification about change of presence or incoming calls to my contacts

For example, if one of your contacts is in an appointment or out of the office and you want to contact them as soon as they are available again, you don't have to keep an eye on the presence status all the time.

ProCall can show you with a short notice when the presence status of a contact changes, for example from Absent/Busy/Inactive to Present.

This indication can also be given if there is an incoming call to this contact and you have the permission to pick up calls.

Example screenshot: Contact is available again

Screenshot - Kontakt ist wieder verfügbar

Example screenshot: Pick up incoming call


Simply move the mouse cursor over the contact for which you want to activate the function, expand the menu with the right mouse button and select the menu item Inform about status change.

Example screenshot: Inform about status change

Screenshot - Über Statusänderung informieren


If you want to turn off this notification, simply right-click on the corresponding contact in the menu and deactivate the menu item Notify about status change.

How can I see if the Inform about status change function is enabled for a contact?

In ProCall monitor, a small icon by the contact indicates if this function is enabled for this contact.  

How can I set which status changes I will be informed about?

You can set in the ProCall client main window under Settings – Collaboration – Notification window whether you receive a message about status change in case of

  • Contact is available/reachable again
    • The notification window is displayed when a selected contact logs in, changes from the "Inactive" to "Present" state or switches from "Absent" to "Present".
  • Contact has call to pick up
    • The notification window is displayed when a call rings at a marked contact, but the contact is not "Present" and a pickup from the contact is allowed.
  • Contact logs off
    • The notification window indicates when a selected contact logs off.


The availability of the function depends on system environment, configuration, ProCall version and granted permissions.