State of knowledge

December 2022

This article explains how you can create a so-called full memory dump of an estos process and make it available for analysis.

Please use these settings only if it is really a crash.

Also in case of a crash the debug logs of the corresponding process are needed


Windows Error Reporting

Use Windows Error Reporting to determine which estos application crashed(e.g. EUCSrv.exe, EUCMediaServer.exe, uc-media-server.exe, MetaAdmin.exe, MetaServer.exe, CalendarReplicator.exe, AnalyticsDataService.exe, AnalyticsReportingService.exe, AnalyticsWebserver.exe, EUCWeb.exe, etc.).

In the following path you should check if Windows itself has created a dump:


It should be noted that although Windows creates a file for each crash, if the process crashes more often for the same reason, these files are not populated.

A filled memory dump has an approximate size of 150 MB – 2 GB. If the files have only a few KB, they are empty and useless for analysis.

If no crash dumps are written, this can be enforced with the following article:
Example of enabling a local dump for MetaDirectory administrator (MetaAdmin.exe):