State of knowledge

January 2024

This article explains how to create a so-called debug log in MetaDirectory to provide this information for analysis.

Logfiles can only be examined if reasonable anchor points are available. Therefore always provide the following additional information:

    • When did an error occur (timestamp with date and time, at least to the minute)?
    • Which extensions / telephone numbers or users were involved or affected?
    • From which client software was a search query initiated?
    • Procedure of the workflow (connection setup, search query, ...), which led to an error.
    • Which replicators are in use?
    • Which user authentication or user management procedure is used?


Log files

In estos MetaDirectory Administrator select the menu item Configuration – General – Events

1. Please set the MetaDirectory event log to Log everything (including debug information) and click Apply.

2. Use this button to delete all old log files via Delete log files...

3a After you have reproduced the problem or the incident to be reported has occurred again, open the log directory (C:\Program Files\estos\MetaDirectory\logs) and create a ZIP file from the Logs folder.

3b. from MetaDirectory version 6.0.3:
After you have reproduced the problem or the incident to be reported has occurred again, click on the Provide log files button:

A ZIP archive with the available log files is created at a storage location to be specified. Provide configuration data also offers the option of adding the estos MetaDirectory configuration data to this ZIP archive, which means that the separate export of the configuration data explained in the following section Configuration data can be omitted.

4. Please provide the ZIP file including the specific problem description (see above) to your responsible support instance for analysis.

Configuration data

To enable efficient analysis, it can often be useful to provide estos MetaDirectory configuration details in addition to the log files.

To do this, select the menu item File – Configuration – Export... in estos MetaDirectory Administrator and export the configuration data to a ZIP file, which you provide together with the ZIP archive containing the log files

Further information