Update statusAugust 2023
Product relevance

estos ProCall 8 Enterprise

estos ProCall 7 Enterprise


Port 8888 TCP is not available on the server running UCServer incl. UC media server.

Possible reason/explanation

Network port 8888 TCP is used by another application.


You can change the port of the UC Media Server in the settings of the network interfaces in the UCServer administration under "Extras".

Example screenshot: UCServer administration – Tools – Network interfaces – Network interface properties – Change/reset port

Changing the estos UC Media Server listening port requires a reinitialization or restart of the estos UC web server and estos UC media server services.

Restarting the estos UC media server service will disconnect ongoing calls via SIP softphone lines
Therefore, take this short-term interruption of operation into account.

The information shown here is not suitable for installations deviating from a standard installation with remotely operated estos UC Media Servers:


Technical notes

If the estos ProCall Enterprise server host has more than one active network adapter, do not select the option "All available" under IP address, but select the IPv4 interface that ensures bidirectional communication with the connected telephone system.

The value entered under Port can be found in the following two estos ProCall Enterprise server configuration files:

kurento.conf.json - Server configuration

   "mediaServer" : {
      "net" : {
         "websocket" : {
            "//" : "Default SOMAXCONN (128)",
            "//connqueue" : 128,
            "//registrar" : {
               "//address" : "ws://localhost:9090",
               "//localAddress" : "localhost"
            "path" : "kurento",
            "port" : 9000,
            "threads" : 10

eucwebconfig.json - Client configuration

   "kurentoservers" : [
         "url" : "ws://"

Further articles

Softphone line: WebService/Audio Relay Service not available

Release ports for estos products – which network interfaces are used?

Finding out the port allocation of an application

Best practice: Scalability and resilience with ProCall Enterprise via dedicated UC MediaServers

estos guidelines for the support of third-party products – interoperability information applies.