This article explains how to create a debug log for ProCall One R2 and make it available for analysis.

Log files can only be examined if meaningful anchor points are available. Therefore always provide the following additional information:

    • When did the error occur? (timestamp with date and time, at least to the minute)
    • Which internal extensions were involved?
    • Which external participants were involved?
    • Process flow of the workflow that led to the error


Dropdown menu

Click on the small black arrow at the top right of the ProCall One R2 window.

  1. Click on About ProCall... in the dropdown menu that appears.
  2. In the window that opens, click with the left mouse button on Expert View >>
  3. Please set the debug level to "Debug (all)", press the button Delete log files and confirm with "OK".
  4. Exit ProCall One R2 and restart it (at startup, important information for analysis is written in the log).
  5. After the problem is reproduced or the incident to be reported has reoccurred, use the button Provide log files to create the log files as zip-folders on the desktop.