Release date


TypeMaintenance Release
Security advice

ProCall DataCenter 2210.1 was released on  as a maintenance release..

When performing the update, please follow instructions for the update within a product version. 

ProCall DataCenter (Core) 2210.2 (Build 7070)


New functions

  • The message that the multi-server database is no longer connected to the DataCenter environment will be displayed as a DialogBar in the future.

  • In UCAdmin, a hint is removed that was displayed if in one or more groups the members were not all managed by the same UCServer. Since the corresponding dependency no longer exists, the check has been removed. 

  • The server list of the multi-server environment was previously only stored in the multi-server database. There is now also a local server list on each server to ensure correct functioning even in the event of a UCServer startup when the multi-server database is not connected.

  • Various improvements related to database connections.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a problem on UCServer that with "Windows authentication" and local file-based user management in UCServer, users could not log in if the users were created in the user management without a domain identifier (or even other differences in the user name), but log in to their workstation with one.

  • Filtering of ACD agent statuses now works correctly across servers – based on the set filter permissions. 

Known problems and limitations

We publish known problems and limitations on the following page

Further information

Technical overview → 

System requirements →

ProCall DataCenter product page →

Comparison of ProCall DataCenter/Enterprise →